Georgia & Palmer

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Today is your big 7-month birthday, and judging by my childhood rules, it's a big one for you. I don't know how I came up with this idea (probably the long hours spent playing by myself because I was the only girl in the neighborhood), but as a kid I somehow decided that when your age equals the day you were born, or a multiple of the day you were born, you would get everything you wanted for that birthday. For instance, I was born on January 9, so on my 9th birthday I got the 10-speed bike I'd been asking for for months. My 18th and 27th (multiples of 9) birthdays were equally as fruitful.

Now that I've revealed a bit of my nerdiness, let's get back to your big day. You didn't officially get any presents for your 7-month birthday, but I did get you some new clothes yesterday. However, buying you new clothes is pretty much a present for me because I have SO MUCH FUN picking out cute little girly clothes for you.

We are continually impressed with your abilities. Tonight as your daddy put you to bed, you flipped over onto your tummy and pulled down the bumper on your bed so you could watch him walk out of the room. I know I'm a little biased, but this seems a bit genius to me.

We were shocked yesterday to see you try to pull yourself up on one of our chairs, especially because you haven't showed much interest in crawling. Part of us wants you to crawl because it's supposed to be the next step in your development. The other part of us knows that once you start crawling we'll be chasing you all over, and we're already tired!


  • Love, Love, LOVE the pink Chuck's!! Sooooo cute! The boys have black ones - I always tell them how *cool* they look in them!

    And yes, Olivia, you are a nerd. Multiples of nine... now multiples of seven... heehee!!!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 7:33 AM  

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