Georgia & Palmer

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Oh, How You've Grown!

Dear Georgia:
I was recently watching you sleep in your crib and realized that you're taking up quite a bit of room in there these days. So I got out the first picture we took of you in your crib and marveled at how small you were. It's absolutely amazing to me that you were ever that little!

You mean the world to us and have taught us so much about how to be good parents and supportive partners. We hate that our jobs take us away from you; especially when we're gone for most of the weekend. However, we're coming to terms with the fact that sometimes the best thing to do for you is to work.

You continue to surprise and astound us. You now say "bye-bye" but don't seem to understand its meaning or when to say it. We're quite shocked that you haven't crawled yet, especially because you rolled over at 10 days. I guess we kind of figured you would do everything early after that feat.

You're so independent and curious! You're always watching things, reaching for things, studying things. It's intriguing and often entertaining to watch you explore your world. We can already tell you're going to be a girl who wants to figure things out for herself.

Every stage you reach is more fun than the previous. We can't wait to watch you become the little person you were meant to be.


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