Georgia & Palmer

Monday, March 12, 2007

Morning Sickness

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother going to the doctor. Take morning sickness, for example. I've been doing quite a bit of research on the topic over the past two days, that is, when I've not been throwing up.

Doctors seem to agree on two things only when it comes to morning sickness: they don't know what causes it, and they don't know how to cure it. Among the more entertaining explanations for morning sickness is Freud's interpretation: "morning sickness is the result of the mother's loathing of her husband. The subconscious manifestation of this is a desire to abort the fetus through vomiting." Apparently our subconscious-es don't have a very good understanding of human anatomy.

So since I won't find out it's cause or cure, I thought I'd look on the bright side and search for some positive findings. I learned that mothers with morning sickness are less likely to miscarry, although many doctors refute that. Morning sickness is a sign of a healthy baby, and mothers who suffer morning sickness are less likely to give birth to a baby with birth defects, but some mothers of ectopic pregnancies experience elevated nausea. So much for positive thinking...

I can't believe that after millions of years of having babies, we haven't figured out what causes morning sickness. I don't really care at this point. I just want to know what to do to make myself feel better. I've tried crackers before getting out of bed in the morning, protein, carbs, lemons, vitamin B6, the BRATT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, tea), eating more frequently, sipping rather than gulping liquids, all with the same regurgitative result. The only thing I've heard of that I haven't tried is marijuana, and I honestly don't think I could risk that.

Anyone out there have suggestions?


  • Yeah - don't think you should start smoking up now. :)

    I remember wanting to hit the people who said, "Morning (ALL DAY) sickness is good - means the baby is nice and 'stuck' - good sign!" Yeah - great sign. If I had the cure... I'd share the trillions of dollars I'd earned selling it!!

    Take care - have a ginger ale on me!


    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:10 PM  

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