Georgia & Palmer

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


It’s hard to believe that in two short months you will be a year old. I don’t think I’m ready for that.

You have become an expert crawler in the past few weeks. You’ve become so speedy that you’re hard to keep up with. You’ve started cruising, too, so often times we find you upright against tables, chairs and furniture exploring. It seems you’ve forgotten how to get back down, so you’re working on relearning that skill.

I’m so happy that your hair is still red. In fact, I think it may be redder now than ever before. It’s getting long, too, and starting to curl behind your ears. I love it!

You’re increasingly curious, crawling under tables, your high chair, pushing your bouncy balls and cars around. You’re very much a boy. You love balls, cars, anything with wheels. You also want to do anything sister does. You’re trying to figure out the stairs currently.

You’re a very decisive boy. We’ve noticed that if we pick you up to move you away from something, you tend to head directly for that something once you’re put back down. You also seem to be proud of yourself at times. Yesterday you tried and tried to get into the hippo ball pit by yourself, and when you finally did it, you sat up smiling and clapping.

You don’t say words yet, but you sure babble, squeal and grunt a lot. You also have a really funny siren-like cry. It starts out quiet and then slowly crescendos. It’s hard to take you seriously with a funny cry like that. You like to wave, and you’re finding that people like to wave back. Last week at the supermarket you waved at everyone we saw.

You’re such a happy guy. You even wake up happy. Many times we don’t even realize you’re awake. We’ll go in to check on you and find you sitting in your crib half awake, smiling. You’re so sweet and cuddly, especially right after you wake up. I think your snuggliness is my favorite part about you right now.

Despite all this wonderfulness, I think this is my least favorite developmental stage (which is a good thing because it’s not that bad). I don’t really like it because it’s dirty. Now that you can crawl, you want to crawl everywhere. So you’re constantly covered in dirt from floors and parks. You then accessorize that dirt with caked on food that you either try to feed yourself or that you swat away as I try to feed you. I’m trying not to wish away your babyness, but I’m really looking forward to walking.


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