Georgia & Palmer

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Georgia These Days

It appears that one miserable afternoon is all it took to get your abusive behavior toward your brother in check. You’ve been acting your normal self since. ‘Nuff said.

It also appears we’ve turned a corner on the potty front. You first showed interest in the potty when you were 18 months old. We didn’t start encouraging you to actually potty in the potty until you started your new class at school at the end of the summer. They hit the potty hard core in your new class. You’ve been going pee-pee in your potty regularly for a few weeks, but it wasn’t until last week that you started going poop-poop regularly. It was a pretty interesting process. You just decided one day that you were going to poop-poop in the potty. Now you do every time. Now you want to use the potty when we’re at stores, restaurants, doctor’s offices, etc. A little challenging when I have to hold your brother and help you onto the potty, but no complaints.

You are such a little mommy. You like to take your baby dolls on walks in your little stroller throughout the house. You’re constantly holding one or two or more of them, and sometimes you sway back and forth as though you’re rocking them to sleep. You’ve even starting putting them in your shirt after seeing Levi’s mommy hold him in a Baby Bjorn at Parker’s birthday party.

You request that we put candles in your food and sing “happy birthday.” We do this several times daily.

You’re starting to figure out how to be manipulative. Tonight you and I were upstairs in my bedroom and I told you that you couldn’t have any more candy. You walked straight downstairs and told your daddy “mommy said my need more candy.”

You still like to put yourself to bed at night. Lately you’ve been playing in your room for an hour or more after “going to bed.” Do you seriously think I don’t hear you in there closing your closet door and rifling through your toy boxes?


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