Georgia & Palmer

Monday, November 17, 2008

Conversations With Georgia & Alex

While we were in KC for two weeks you went to preschool with your cousin Alex two mornings a week. You really enjoyed his class and even made some new friends. Ironically, you dressed alike for school one day, so I had to snap a quick photo.

One morning last week I picked you two up from school and an older woman who was there picking up her grandson mentioned that her name was also Georgia. We had a short conversation about how awesome your name is, how you don't hear the name Georgia much these days, etc. We parted and got strapped into the car. As we were pulling out of our parking spot to leave Alex noticed that the other Georgia was parked right next to us. Here's the conversation that followed...

Alex: There's the old Georgia.
Me: That's right, there's the older Georgia.
A: When is she going to die already?
M: Woh. Alex, that's not a very nice thing to say.
A: Yeah, but everybody dies.
M: Yeah, but that doesn't mean we have to talk about it.
A: She's gonna die, and papa's going to die, and nonny's going to die.
M: Alex, quit with the death talk.
A: Why?
M: Because I don't want to talk about people dying. What letter did you learn about today at preschool?
A: Um, I don't know.
Georgia: I not know.
M: Was it the letter 'P?'
G: Noooooo.
A: Yes it was.
M: I think it was the letter 'P.' You had a picture of the letter P in your cubby today. Did you learn about the letter P?
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.


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