Annual Report: 2008

We’re feeling extremely blessed this Christmas. The news is full of stories about war, layoffs, recession and other scary things. But we’re happy and healthy, your daddy’s business is steady, and I’m able to stay home with you two. Life is good.
It’s been a whirlwind year for us. We were so sleep deprived the first half of the year that we didn’t do much outside of our house. Luckily our baby boy has become a much better sleeper so we’ve had the energy to do more trips to the park, walks around the block and play dates. You’re showing more interest in walking, and it’s fun to watch you toddle around and smile with those prominent front teeth.
Sister attends school two days a week, and you enjoy regaling us with stories of your friends over dinner. You’re really excited about Christmas this year, and you’re always talking about Santa and Christmas trees and lights and ornaments. We often sing “Happy Birthday” to baby Jesus and you can’t wait to go to his happy birthday party. You’re starting to understand.
You two are great friends. Watching you play and laugh together is a dream come true for us. Georgia, you like to push Palmer around in your little wagon and hold him like a baby. Palmer likes to do everything sister does.
With two little ones it was becoming increasingly difficult for your daddy to work at home. So this fall he moved into his first studio. It’s awesome! He spends many of his working hours there when he’s not on location, so I don’t have to try to keep you quiet and he can talk on the phone as loudly as he needs. It’s probably the best thing we’ve done for our marriage in years. He’s using the space mostly as an office and meeting place right now, but hopes to do shoots there in time.
You got to spend quite a bit of time with your grandparents this year because mommy and daddy had to travel for business. We shot two destination weddings for one amazing family. In August we headed to Montana for a mountain wedding. We’d never been to that part of the country so it was a true adventure for us. We went white water rafting, spent a day in Yellowstone National Park and took some amazing photos (if we do say so ourselves). We spent last week shooting in Key West, Florida, another place we’ve never been. Sunny weather, beautiful beaches, an awesome couple. It was tough to come back to single digit temperatures.
We’re working very hard these days, but we try to spend as much time as possible with our little people. We realize you’re only going to be little for a short time, so we’re trying to absorb as much of you as possible.
To readers who are not our children: This is your Christmas cards
I love my Christmas card! Thanks for the update! You guys are awesome!
Melissa Glynn Photography, at 6:20 PM
Olivia, you have such a nice way with words. Awesome family picture too!
Becca, at 1:39 PM
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