Georgia & Palmer

Friday, February 27, 2009

Conversations With Georgia

I’ve been wanting to enroll you in gymnastics for a while. I started when I was two, and it’s something that I really want to share with you. We were supposed to go check out a gym this morning but ended up in the doctor’s office instead. You have strep throat. You look absolutely awful! Your nose is runny and your eyes are red and puffy and leaky.

You are beyond disappointed that you didn’t get to go to the gym (or dance class, as you call it). Here’s a conversation we had about a billion times today:

Georgia: Are we going to go to the dance class?
Mommy: No, honey, not today.
G: But I want to go to the dance class.
M: We can’t go when you’re sick.
G: Because I get all my friends sick?
M: That’s right. We don’t want to get all the other kids in the class sick.
G: Then they be sad?
M: Uh huh. We’ll go when you feel better.
G: immediately replies My feel all better.


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