Catchin' Up
Palmer dude, you've had a tough few weeks. Molars popping through, fevers, icky stuff coming out of both ends. What can I's been fun.

You are such a sweet, pathetic sick person. You spent one night and several days sleeping and napping on our chests. I thought for sure you had an ear infection. Two different trips to the pedi reveal that you have one of those "nondescript" viruses that can't be cured with antibiotics and has to be allowed to "run it's course." I hate those. They linger. Give me a good ear infection or case of strep throat. Twenty-four hours of Amoxil and you're bouncing off walls again.

You appear to be feeling better now, although your bottom molars continue to cause you pain.

Irritated that I interrupted your playtime for a photo.

Close examination of this photo reveals glimpses of all seven of your teeth.

You're quite strict about your dental hygene, although you're not particular about whose toothbrush you use. As a result we all got new toothbrushes last week. YAY!

You are such a sweet, pathetic sick person. You spent one night and several days sleeping and napping on our chests. I thought for sure you had an ear infection. Two different trips to the pedi reveal that you have one of those "nondescript" viruses that can't be cured with antibiotics and has to be allowed to "run it's course." I hate those. They linger. Give me a good ear infection or case of strep throat. Twenty-four hours of Amoxil and you're bouncing off walls again.

You appear to be feeling better now, although your bottom molars continue to cause you pain.

Irritated that I interrupted your playtime for a photo.

Close examination of this photo reveals glimpses of all seven of your teeth.

You're quite strict about your dental hygene, although you're not particular about whose toothbrush you use. As a result we all got new toothbrushes last week. YAY!

Hope you're feeling better soon Palmer! Love the picture of you brushing your pearly whites!
Becca, at 7:48 PM
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