You have had a vocabulary explosion this past month and it is making you a much more pleasant person to be around. Instead of pointing and whining (and us guessing) at what you want, you can pretty much form sounds close enough to words so we can understand what you want. Here are a few excerpts from the Palmer/English translation dictionary:
Baba = bottle (it’s a sippy cup but we call them bottles)
Ba = ball, blanket, bat, bath
Bir = bird
Da = truck, car, dog, cat (depending on what you’re pointing at)
Dah dee = Zachary (your buddy from next door)
Ehp ee = help me
Dih dee = sissy
Mommy = mommy (or, more frequently, “I need something”)
Ah bee = airplane
Plzzzzz (while spitting) = please
Wah wah = water
Wee = swing or WEEEEE (as in “this is fun!”)
Dow = down
Ow = out
Bi or my = bike
I = eye
No = no or nose
You’ve also developed a love of books. I’ve been a bit concerned about your lack of interest in books, but the past week you’ve been bringing me books to read you. Last night you threw a fit because I wouldn’t read your truck book to you a fifth time before putting you down for bed.
You’ve discovered that you are capable of taking your pants off, and you do it no matter where you are. Last week you pulled your pants down at Costco prompting giggles from the ladies shopping around us. Last night after I put you down I had to go into your room and put your pants back on you four times. I finally gave up and put shorts on you.
I’m impressed with how quickly you’ve learned your body parts, although I think you probably knew most of them before we started working with you. You know ears, nose, eyes, mouth, teeth, hair, head, toes, feet, belly and we’re working on arms and legs.
Interesting things you can do: walk downstairs forward, attempt to jump, wipe your nose, put things in the trash and try to do everything your sister does.
You are the most affectionate child I know. You love to give hugs and often greet your friends by hugging them. You even give their parents hugs. When you hug you do so with your whole body. Your arms are plastered around my neck, legs strapped around my waist, and your head tilted to the side to hug my shoulder. It is a dream! I can’t count the number of times each day you run up to me with outspread arms ready to give your precious hugs. I hope it never stops.
Baba = bottle (it’s a sippy cup but we call them bottles)
Ba = ball, blanket, bat, bath
Bir = bird
Da = truck, car, dog, cat (depending on what you’re pointing at)
Dah dee = Zachary (your buddy from next door)
Ehp ee = help me
Dih dee = sissy
Mommy = mommy (or, more frequently, “I need something”)
Ah bee = airplane
Plzzzzz (while spitting) = please
Wah wah = water
Wee = swing or WEEEEE (as in “this is fun!”)
Dow = down
Ow = out
Bi or my = bike
I = eye
No = no or nose
You’ve also developed a love of books. I’ve been a bit concerned about your lack of interest in books, but the past week you’ve been bringing me books to read you. Last night you threw a fit because I wouldn’t read your truck book to you a fifth time before putting you down for bed.
You’ve discovered that you are capable of taking your pants off, and you do it no matter where you are. Last week you pulled your pants down at Costco prompting giggles from the ladies shopping around us. Last night after I put you down I had to go into your room and put your pants back on you four times. I finally gave up and put shorts on you.
I’m impressed with how quickly you’ve learned your body parts, although I think you probably knew most of them before we started working with you. You know ears, nose, eyes, mouth, teeth, hair, head, toes, feet, belly and we’re working on arms and legs.
Interesting things you can do: walk downstairs forward, attempt to jump, wipe your nose, put things in the trash and try to do everything your sister does.
You are the most affectionate child I know. You love to give hugs and often greet your friends by hugging them. You even give their parents hugs. When you hug you do so with your whole body. Your arms are plastered around my neck, legs strapped around my waist, and your head tilted to the side to hug my shoulder. It is a dream! I can’t count the number of times each day you run up to me with outspread arms ready to give your precious hugs. I hope it never stops.
What a precious time to capture so thoughtfully! He's growing up way too fast...and so adorable!
Becca, at 3:14 PM
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