Don't Worry, Georgia, I'm Just as Confused as You Are
This afternoon I was in the car with you and your brother and had the following conversation:
Georgia: Where are we going to go after we wake up from nap?
Mommy: We’re not going anywhere. We’re going to have Dominic and his mommy and daddy over for a bar-b-que.
G: Why are they coming over for the bar de que?
M: Because today is a holiday. Do you know what a holiday is?
G: Yes.
M: What is a holiday?
G: I don’t know.
M: A holiday is a very special day that celebrates something. Like Christmas is a holiday. But today is called Memorial Day and it celebrates people who have died.
Okay, so I know that’s a lame explanation of Memorial Day, but I didn’t want to have a big discussion about war and veterans and international conflict. But that pathetic explanation didn’t quench your curiosity, so the conversation continued like so…
G: Did daddy die?
M: No daddy didn’t die. He’s at home.
G: No, when daddy was a little boy?
M: No, he didn’t die when he was a little boy. He’s still here.
We pulled into the garage so I thought the conversation had ended. And I hoped that you had forgotten everything I had just said and that I would have time later to determine the right explanation. But a few minutes later while picking up toys in the living room your questions continued…
G: Do we drive our car to get to Heaven?
M: No. We get to Heaven a different way.
G: On a airplane?
M: No. God comes to get us and take us to Heaven.
G: How does he take us?
M: That’s kind of complicated.
G: Where is Heaven?
M: It’s way up high in the sky.
G: Looks inquisitively toward the ceiling.
M: Time for nap.
Not one of my more stellar mommy moments.
Georgia: Where are we going to go after we wake up from nap?
Mommy: We’re not going anywhere. We’re going to have Dominic and his mommy and daddy over for a bar-b-que.
G: Why are they coming over for the bar de que?
M: Because today is a holiday. Do you know what a holiday is?
G: Yes.
M: What is a holiday?
G: I don’t know.
M: A holiday is a very special day that celebrates something. Like Christmas is a holiday. But today is called Memorial Day and it celebrates people who have died.
Okay, so I know that’s a lame explanation of Memorial Day, but I didn’t want to have a big discussion about war and veterans and international conflict. But that pathetic explanation didn’t quench your curiosity, so the conversation continued like so…
G: Did daddy die?
M: No daddy didn’t die. He’s at home.
G: No, when daddy was a little boy?
M: No, he didn’t die when he was a little boy. He’s still here.
We pulled into the garage so I thought the conversation had ended. And I hoped that you had forgotten everything I had just said and that I would have time later to determine the right explanation. But a few minutes later while picking up toys in the living room your questions continued…
G: Do we drive our car to get to Heaven?
M: No. We get to Heaven a different way.
G: On a airplane?
M: No. God comes to get us and take us to Heaven.
G: How does he take us?
M: That’s kind of complicated.
G: Where is Heaven?
M: It’s way up high in the sky.
G: Looks inquisitively toward the ceiling.
M: Time for nap.
Not one of my more stellar mommy moments.
Yeah... Sullivan asked as we passed the cemetary which was full of flags "Why are the flags there?" I told him it was Memorial Day and he asked what that was... I told him Memorial Day was when we remember people who went to Heaven - espcially soldiers (we'd already had a QUITE extensive convo about what "soldier" meant). :)
Parenting is fun. :)
Unknown, at 10:07 PM
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