Georgia & Palmer

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Not Exactly Rainbows and Lollipops

I'm sure every parent has certain ideal moments they picture in their minds. Moments that play like Kennedy-esque home movies where everyone is smiling and laughing (and perfectly tanned; however, with our genes we replace that little tid bit with "pasty white").

Your very first ride on your very first big girl bike would have to be the antithesis of this ideal. The process began well. You and brother were so excited when daddy got home to put together your new bike. You even posed for photos.

You were even a bit of a help at first.

Until you got bored

and decided to abandon the task altogether, leaving daddy to finish the bike (much more quickly) by himself.

And wasn't he proud!

And that is where the pictures end because shortly after unveiling his engineering masterpiece and adjusting your helmet to fit properly, you threw a huge massive fit (which reminds me that I need to go retrieve your shoes from where you threw them into the street). We're hoping for a more delightful ride another day.


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