You're Finally Here!

Dear Georgia:
You are now five days old and I have yet to blog about you. I have a good excuse, though...I've been spending every possible moment staring at you, listening to you coo, convincing myself that your smiles are a reaction to my witticisms and not your gas, and learning how to breast feed.
Your birth was the most amazing, surprisingly peaceful experience. Thanks to an early epidural, I wasn't in much pain and actually took a nap during the stronger moments of labor. Next thing I knew you were positioned for arrival, and after 20 minutes of pushing, you were here.
You didn't cry. The nurse suctioned out your mouth, measured you and poked you with needles and you didn't cry. It could have been a devastating situation, but I could tell you were fine by the way you wiggled and looked around surveying your surroundings. After a complete check-up it was determined you were perfect (the doc's words, not mine) and the lack of cries was nothing to worry about.
I was so tired after your birth. I wanted to watch every part of your check-up, bath and dressing, but I have only spotty memories. Luckily we have a video of it all to help fill in the blanks. We found breast feeding to be a bit challenging at first, so you started on formula to keep your blood sugar up. I'm happy to say we seem to have worked through our feeding issues.
You are so patient with us as we learn how to be parents. You could get angry and scream when we fumble with your diaper changes or turn bright red with fury as we learn to bathe you. But you don't. You just wiggle around and look up at us with those beautiful blue eyes as if to say "take your time."
There are so many more things that I want to write about you, but it's been 30 minutes since I last stared at you.
So sweet! Finally a picture of that beautiful girl at home!! I love her bedding, too. :)
Your entry made me a bit teary, it's so obvious how much you adore this person that you have only known for less than a week! Good luck to you guys (glad the breastfeeding started working out!) and we hope to see you soon!!!
Kara, Scott, Lorne, Isaac and Sullivan (your boyfriends)
Anonymous, at 10:01 AM
What a beauty.
Carrie, at 2:12 PM
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Jordan V, at 4:27 AM
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