My Babies
You guys have had us so busy lately that I haven’t been able to post photos or stories for a while. So let me catch you up.
You had a mild case of pneumonia the week before Christmas, along with a sinus infection to go with the four new teeth you’re cutting. So you’ve been on two different antibiotics and Motrin, resulting in white poop (I didn’t even know that was possible!). You also got your first x-rays. They put you in a hospital gown that came down to your toes and a little loin cloth-sized lead belt to cover your ovaries. It’s really weird to think you have ovaries.
Christmas with you was really cool this year. You didn’t understand everything, but you enjoyed participating. You helped us put up the tree and made us plug in the lights the second you woke up and wouldn’t let us unplug them until bedtime. Pops and Grammy came to visit for Christmas and brought you waaaaay too many presents. You opened a few everyday of their visit so you could play with your new toys with your grandparents. You went with your daddy, brother and Grammy to have your picture taken with Santa at the mall.
You have been learning so much at school lately. You can now count to three and point to objects while counting. I think you’re also learning about emotions at school because you talk about “happy” and “sorry” a lot. You seem to understand what happy means because you say “happy bebe” when your brother isn’t crying. Sorry is another story. You know when to say it, but you don’t seem to actually feel sorry for your actions. It would be a little funny except the only time we make you say “sorry” is when you slap your brother on his soft spot.
You really love books. We spend lots of time reading books and looking at pictures in books and pointing to things in books and counting objects in books. When you finish a book you put it under your leg. We were confused about this at first, but it turns out your teachers do that to keep you and your classmates from taking the books during reading time. Your current favorite book is Curious George or as you call it, the “muhkee book” (monkey book). You’re also starting to sing along when we sing the ABCs. Your favorite part is “L-M-N-O-P.”
Sentences. You’re speaking them. It’s so weird to hear you speak sentences. The other night I was getting you dressed for bed and you said, “where’s Georgia’s book? Oh, I see it!” Despite your growing vocabulary, you still get frustrated with us when we can’t figure out what you say or what you want. You’re definitely two years old in this respect.
You are an extremely sweet baby. You still love to be held, but you’re spending increased stretches of time in your bouncy seat and under your jungle gym swatting at the little stuffed animals dangling above you. I’ve also found recently that you have inherited my love of swimming. In the bath you kick your legs and smile when you splash yourself. I know you’re not physically able to deliberately kick and splash, but I like to think it’s intentional.
You are incredibly tall and thin. Your newborn onesies with the feet are too short, but you’re so skinny that you swim in your three month outfits. Next week is your two month check-up, and I’m eager to see where you rank in height and weight (not so eager to see you get your shots). I also want Dr. Patil to make sure you’re brain is developing properly. With all the swats your sister has taken to your soft spot there’s bound to be some sort of damage.
We desperately need to get you on a more regular schedule and get you sleeping in your own room. Your days and nights are still a little backward, so I’m really tired. I’m dying to get a good night’s sleep and start my day sometime before noon.
I have two current favorite things to do with you. 1. I love cuddling with you. You’re just a little warm ball of love, and you fit perfectly in my arms tucked under my chin. 2. I love putting you on my lap so that you face me. We talk and smile, and I make funny faces at you. Last week you mimicked me as I moved my head back and forth. It was so sweet. You are so sweet.
You had a mild case of pneumonia the week before Christmas, along with a sinus infection to go with the four new teeth you’re cutting. So you’ve been on two different antibiotics and Motrin, resulting in white poop (I didn’t even know that was possible!). You also got your first x-rays. They put you in a hospital gown that came down to your toes and a little loin cloth-sized lead belt to cover your ovaries. It’s really weird to think you have ovaries.
Christmas with you was really cool this year. You didn’t understand everything, but you enjoyed participating. You helped us put up the tree and made us plug in the lights the second you woke up and wouldn’t let us unplug them until bedtime. Pops and Grammy came to visit for Christmas and brought you waaaaay too many presents. You opened a few everyday of their visit so you could play with your new toys with your grandparents. You went with your daddy, brother and Grammy to have your picture taken with Santa at the mall.
You have been learning so much at school lately. You can now count to three and point to objects while counting. I think you’re also learning about emotions at school because you talk about “happy” and “sorry” a lot. You seem to understand what happy means because you say “happy bebe” when your brother isn’t crying. Sorry is another story. You know when to say it, but you don’t seem to actually feel sorry for your actions. It would be a little funny except the only time we make you say “sorry” is when you slap your brother on his soft spot.
You really love books. We spend lots of time reading books and looking at pictures in books and pointing to things in books and counting objects in books. When you finish a book you put it under your leg. We were confused about this at first, but it turns out your teachers do that to keep you and your classmates from taking the books during reading time. Your current favorite book is Curious George or as you call it, the “muhkee book” (monkey book). You’re also starting to sing along when we sing the ABCs. Your favorite part is “L-M-N-O-P.”
Sentences. You’re speaking them. It’s so weird to hear you speak sentences. The other night I was getting you dressed for bed and you said, “where’s Georgia’s book? Oh, I see it!” Despite your growing vocabulary, you still get frustrated with us when we can’t figure out what you say or what you want. You’re definitely two years old in this respect.
You are an extremely sweet baby. You still love to be held, but you’re spending increased stretches of time in your bouncy seat and under your jungle gym swatting at the little stuffed animals dangling above you. I’ve also found recently that you have inherited my love of swimming. In the bath you kick your legs and smile when you splash yourself. I know you’re not physically able to deliberately kick and splash, but I like to think it’s intentional.
You are incredibly tall and thin. Your newborn onesies with the feet are too short, but you’re so skinny that you swim in your three month outfits. Next week is your two month check-up, and I’m eager to see where you rank in height and weight (not so eager to see you get your shots). I also want Dr. Patil to make sure you’re brain is developing properly. With all the swats your sister has taken to your soft spot there’s bound to be some sort of damage.
We desperately need to get you on a more regular schedule and get you sleeping in your own room. Your days and nights are still a little backward, so I’m really tired. I’m dying to get a good night’s sleep and start my day sometime before noon.
I have two current favorite things to do with you. 1. I love cuddling with you. You’re just a little warm ball of love, and you fit perfectly in my arms tucked under my chin. 2. I love putting you on my lap so that you face me. We talk and smile, and I make funny faces at you. Last week you mimicked me as I moved my head back and forth. It was so sweet. You are so sweet.
I-can-not-wait until we see you! Oh, I can't wait to smooch Palmer and Georgia!!
Olivia - you and Elwood were/are SUCH a huge support to us. I am sorry I've been so busy rearing three little boys to "pay back" the love and compassion you've shown us in the most recent years. The trip you made to KC in May of 2004 still makes me tear up - I seriously don't know what I would have done if Ty hadn't been there - he was the *only* person other than me that Scott let help him. Okay - I've had a few glasses of wine and am feeling awfully sentimental - but we sure love you guys. :)
Lorne has had dozens of x-rays and that little guard they put over his genitals still cracks me up. They're protecting my grandchildren! I had no idea Georgia was so sick - please give her some kisses from Aunt Kara.
Talk soon, hugs to all four of you,
Unknown, at 6:13 PM
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