Georgia & Palmer

Friday, February 22, 2008

2 Year Stats

Height: 36.5 inches - off the chart
Weight: 31 pounds - 90-95%
Cuteness: WAAAAAY off the chart

Your daddy was nice and took you to your two year check-up so I didn't have to hold you down for your shots. The nurse laid you down on the scale to measure you and found that you were longer than the scale. That had never happened to her before and it really took the nurse by surprise. She took you over to the area where they measure the three and four year olds. Turns out you are as tall as the average three year old. I've heard that by age two you are half your adult height. This would make you a 6'1" woman.

We recently transitioned you to a big girl bed, which has been significantly more traumatic than we hoped. You really like your new bed and room set up, but you don't want us to leave you at night night time. You don't seem to be scared. You just don't want to go to bed. We're also making you go cold turkey on your night night bottle, which is harder than the transition to a big girl bed. It's been really tough on all of us, so we're really looking forward to the time you go to bed without crying yourself to sleep.


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