Georgia & Palmer

Thursday, February 21, 2008


For your birthday this year we took you to see Sesame Street Live. It was hands down the most fun thing we've ever done with you. The show was fantastic, but watching you watch the show was absolutely incredible.

The whole experience was just how I dreamed it would be for you. You pointed at the characters, "oohed" and "ahhhed" at the lights, stomped your feet and danced to the music. You were really into the whole show. You wanted Elmo and Big Bird to be on stage at all times. When Elmo would leave the stage you would say "Elmo" and point to the stage. We had to reassure you that your red friend would be back.

They brought out about a zillion Elmo balloons at intermission so your daddy took you to get one. Unfortunately, by the time you got to the balloons they were broken (translation: your daddy told you they were broken because they were $10 each, which is absolutely ridiculous for a balloon, but half the audience bought them anyway. Plus, we'd already spent $25 on Elmo swag).

Afterward we headed to lunch at The Brick Oven. The whole day was so special. We let Palmer stay home with the sitter so it was just you, me and your daddy. I don't think I'll ever forget how wonderful it was. You're still talking about seeing Elmo, Big Bird and Cookie Monster a week later.


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