Georgia & Palmer

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


You've had a very busy month! You flew to and from Kansas City for a two week visit with family. You met lots of new friends and relatives while we were there, and you attended your first funeral.

The big news for this month is that you started crawling (last Thursday, June 26, 2008, for the record), although you have a very unorthodox technique. Instead of holding yourself up on all fours you lie on your tummy and pull yourself forward with your arms, all the while kicking your legs like you’re swimming. I guess the technical term for your crawling style is “Army crawling.” It’s like you’re slithering through the jungle running from Charlie (that’s what they call the bad guys in all those Vietnam War movies).

You’ve become quite a challenge to feed. You had a stomach virus a couple of weeks ago, so I put you on a liquid diet in an effort to make your diapers more solid. You now have no desire to be spoon fed and prefer to feed yourself. This poses a couple of problems: 1) you have no teeth so you are limited as to what you can eat, and 2) you have trouble getting the food in your mouth. Needless to say, feeding times are frustrating and messy.

It’s interesting to watch your little personality emerge. You’re starting to get irritated when sister steals your toys, and you push your bottle away when you’re done. But you continue to be a laid-back, sweet little guy. And we love you more and more every day.


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