Georgia & Palmer

Friday, December 26, 2008

Conversations With Georgia

We had several family gatherings this Christmas where we opened gifts. We've talked about the manger and baby Jesus and how we celebrate his birth. In your mind this means that we were going to a happy birthday party for Jesus. We went with it because it's tough to explain abstract things to a near-three-year-old.

So during our Christmas night baths here was the conversation:

Georgia: Was Jesus at the happy birthday parties today?
Mommy: No, well, kinda?
G: He was at another house?
M: No, he was up in Heaven.
G: Not at another house?
M: Nope.
G: Why wasn't he at the happy birthday parties?
M: Because he was in Heaven with his daddy and mommy. Remember how we talked about the manger?
G: No.
M: Remember Jesus was born in a stable and slept in a manger and the wise men brought him gifts?
G: No.
M: And there was an angel who watched over him?
G: No.
M: Let's wash your hair.


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