Georgia & Palmer

Thursday, December 08, 2005

You're Perfect!

Today was our 8 month check-up with the OB and I'm proud to report that the doctor used the term "perfect" several times in describing your development and my wellness. I don't know why we bother going to these appointments...I could have told her over the phone that you are perfect.

As an 8-month-old fetus you are now head down and about 4 pounds and 18 inches long. I guess your little feet are what are pushing my lungs around. You prefer to reside on the right side of my belly, so I look a little lopsided. I'm very confused about this. You don't have much room in there, so I assume you would take advantage of what little room you have and sprawl out. Apparently not. Your kicks are also getting much stronger and visibly noticeable. It is increasingly difficult to have a serious conversation with people when my shirt is constantly moving.

Tyler and I are becoming more anxious to meet you. Part of us wants you to come now, but we know that it is best for you to stay where you are for another few weeks. Luckily we have Christmas to keep us busy for the next few weeks.


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