97th Percentile

Yesterday was your 4-month check-up. You grew and incredible 2.5 inches in the past two months, putting you in the 97th percentile in height (weight=60th, head=50th). At this rate you will surpass your dad in height by age 4.
You got the same three shots this time as last, but it was MUCH better than last time. At least it was much better for me. I didn't cry this time and you didn't cry much.

We tried solids last night for the first time. It seemed to me that the food wasn't as weird as the spoon. You didn't really understand why we weren't giving you a bottle, but you were good-natured about the experience.

We're also supposed to start giving you water in a cup. It's really entertaining to watch you try to figure out how to eat and drink.

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