One Good Lookin' Family

Dear Georgia:
You are now five months old and we can hardly believe it. In some ways it feels like you've always been here; in others it feels like you just arrived. Unofficial measurements indicate that you have grown a whopping 3/4" in the past month. We'll have more accurate results when you are measured at the doctor's office during your 6 month check-up. You are super tall and are starting to fill out, which gives you the cutest fat rolls and big belly. Enjoy this while you can because fat rolls and a big belly won't be considered cute for much longer.
You've graduated to size 3 diapers (for Dale) and wear nothing smaller than 6-month clothes, which I love because apparently the really cute baby girl dresses start at size 6m. Still no hair, but I didn't have any until I was two so I'm not expecting any on you for a while. I'm really looking forward to putting little bows in your future hair. I'm also looking forward to painting your fingernails and toenails. You chew on your fingers and toes so much right now that I don't think this is a good time to start the mani-pedis (is fingernail polish lead-based?).
You now eat solids three times a day! You really like the cereals (just like your mom and dad) and are getting used to the vegetables. Sorry, no fruits for another month. You are working on teeth, and, after a couple of visits to the pediatrician, we learned this past month that you pull on your ears because your teeth hurt, not because your ears hurt.
You have a mild interest in sitting up, but crawling is your passion. You'll sit for a few seconds before diving onto your belly to give your arms and legs a workout. You spend a lot more time on your tummy trying to figure out how to crawl around like the dogs.
Speaking of the absolutely love them! They make you smile your beautiful smile and giggle uncontrollably. You like to ride on Lefty's back and grab Pancho's ears. Occasionally they'll let you pet them in return for licking the leftovers off your face. When we have a tough day we'll sit with the dogs in the middle of the living room floor and listen to you laugh until you get hiccoughs. Who could be blue listening to a laugh like yours?
I could go on and on and on about all the things we love about you. For now I think I'll just tiptoe into your room and watch you sleep for a few minutes before hitting the hay myself.
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