Georgia & Palmer

Thursday, March 27, 2008


You're nearly five months old so it seems appropriate that I'm just now getting your four month stats posted. You measured 26.5 inches tall (90%) and weighed 14 lbs 8 oz (75%). You're still 1/4 taller than your sister at this age, but you're a little lighter.

We've started you on solids and you LOVE them. Your sister wasn't a big fan of cereals, but you devour rice and oatmeal cereal. You get so excited at dinnertime. We can hardly get the spoon to your mouth fast enough. You squeal, kick, flail your arms around and smile. Last night you were so animated that you kicked the bowl of oatmeal out of my hand. Messy but cute. The solids are really helping you sleep longer, too. As long as we fill you full of a couple of bowls of cereal at dinner, you'll sleep until about 5 a.m. It's heavenly.

You're rolling over like a champ these days, but only from back to front. You used to hate tummy time. Now we can't keep you on your back. You're really diggin' your exersaucer. You don't have a ton of endurance for it just yet, but you're good for ten or so minutes at a time. You're still a happy, cuddly little guy. I think your cuddliness is my favorite part about your right now. I hope you're always that way.


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