Georgia & Palmer

Friday, May 09, 2008

6m Stats

height: 28" - 90-95%
weight: 17# - 25-50%
head: 44 cm - 50-75%

Apparently we were supposed to have been feeding you three meals of solids per day, so I'm interested to see if your weight spikes at your 9m check up. Of course, you could just take after my side of the family and be really tall and skinny.

I've been feeling a little overwhelmed lately, and I'm hoping that being more diligent about your schedules will help. It's really difficult when you sleep and eat at different times, and carrying both of you is physically exhausting.

I was REALLY looking forward to summer because I figured we could spend oodles of time at the pool. I learned today that a trip to the pool has taken on an entire new meaning with two children in diapers. You got tired but wouldn't sleep, so you needed to be held while your sister wanted to play in the pool. Then you got bit twice on the face by a fire ant that somehow found its way into your towel. Lovely.

I'm sure I'll get all this figured out. But until then, please be patient with me.


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