Georgia & Palmer

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Happy half birthday, little man! You're getting so big and doing more big boy things. You're starting to sit up by yourself, not for long stretches, but you're getting there. It's pretty funny when you fall over. Not so funny when your big sister pushes you over.

You're up to two full meals of solids per day. You're not so fond of fruits, which is interesting to me because most babies prefer fruits over veggies. Not my big little man. You're more of a carrots/mixed vegetables kind of guy. Luckily for you it seems as though you favor your dad's eating preferences.

Your daddy and I noticed today that your hair is getting pretty long. It's still red (I hope it stays that way) and it never fell out like most babies' hair does. You've been a tummy sleeper since you were two months old, so I think that has helped you maintain your crimson coif. Your sister's hair was red until after her first birthday. I'm curious to see if yours turns blond, too.

I thought your sister was the biggest Elmo fan ever, but now I'm not so sure. It amazes me how much you adore that fuzzy red monster. You drop whatever you're doing and go into a Sesame Street trance when you hear the Elmo's World theme song. You giggle at Mr. Noodle. So cute!

Your big sister is still your idol.

Everything goes in your mouth. I'm tiring of this, and the drooling that accompanies it. I'm constantly wiping drool off your chin, hands, shirt, myself. We have more toys than you could possibly stuff in your mouth, yet you prefer to chew on your hands and feet.

Nicknames. You actually don't have a lot of nicknames, but I guess that's because your name doesn't really prompt any. We call you P-Funk (step to this...I dare ya) quite a bit. Maybe someday we'll play you the song we get it from. Palmer-man is also pretty popular. Your sister likes to call you Palmer-man, and it's so cute the way she says it that we can't help but encourage it. I also call you Junior because you're the spitting image of your daddy. Other people call you Tyler Junior.

You're still just as jolly as you ever were, but sometimes I think you get frustrated that you're not able to do more. That will all change in the next few months as you begin crawling and become more independent. I don't know that I'm ready for that just yet.


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