Georgia & Palmer

Monday, May 12, 2008

Conversations With Georgia

Georgia: Daddy owie.
Daddy: That's right, daddy has an owie.
G: Daddy owie on yeg.
D: Yep, I have an owie on my leg.
G: Juhjuh have owie on my knee.
D: Georgia has an owie on her knee?
G: Yeah. Juhjuh fell bebe dack's house.
D: Georgia fell at baby Jack's house?
G: Yeah. Juhjuh fell baby dack's house (mumble mumble) from park.
D: Georgia fell at baby Jack's house on the way home from the park?
G: Yeah. By duh door.
D: By the door, huh?
G: Yeah.

So here's the whole story. About six weeks ago we went to your friend, Jack's, house to watch the NCAA basketball championship game. I'm sure it was an intriguing game, but the real reason we attended was so you could play with some of your friends. Toward the end of the evening (which is actually the beginning of the evening, but since you go to bed so early we tend to think of 6 p.m. as being late) the moms and kids headed off to the neighborhood park that is about a block away from Jack's house. As you approached the front door of Jack's house on the way back from the park, you totally ate it and bloodied your knees.

I can't believe you remembered something that happened so long ago with such detail. So why is it you can't remember to stop hitting your brother when I tell you a dozen times daily?


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