Time Flies

This is a picture of our nephew (your cousin) Alex. He is now 10 months old, about the age you will be this time next year. It's hard to believe now that you will ever be this big! He crawls and pulls himself up to stand and feeds himself (although very messily). These are all things you will be doing this time next year. I think we're going to find new meaning to the saying that "time flies" once you arrive.
Your dad and I are really starting to think about things we'll be able to do with you after you arrive. Our friends Maury and Elizabeth are getting married next spring, and I wonder if we'll take you to the wedding. If so, what cute little outfit are you going to wear? Will you tolerate little bows in your hair or will you rip them out? Please let me put bows in your hair!!
Speaking of your dad, I'd like to take this opportunity to brag about how wonderful he has been. The extra weight and large belly has made doing the things I used to do more difficult. He tries to do everything he can from me, even things as unglamorous as waking up in the middle of the night to help me roll over in bed. He's also become quite proficient at fetching food for me, as I eat constantly now. I can't imagine going through this without his help! Keep this in mind on the day you are born. Maybe you can give your dad a little smile to say "thanks" for everything. Just a suggestion...
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