Georgia & Palmer

Sunday, June 01, 2008


Today you are 7 months old, and you’re getting to be a lot more fun, especially for your big sister.

We no longer put pillows behind you when we sit you on the floor because you’re sitting up all by yourself. You can clap your hands, wave and play peek-a-boo. You and your sister like to clap and play peek-a-boo with each other. Then you giggle.

You still desperately want to be mobile. You’ve begun pulling your back legs up under you, but you still haven’t gotten up on all fours yet. Part of me wants to work with you on crawling in hopes of easing some of your frustration. The other part wants to leave you alone to figure it out for yourself and develop in your own time.

You have a unique skill we call the helicopter. Since you can’t crawl, you lie on your tummy and spin around until you move yourself forward enough to reach for what you want. It’s entertaining to watch and quite ingenious.

You are still an absolutely wonderful baby. People are constantly amazed at your ability to entertain yourself for long periods of time with just a couple of toys…or your feet.


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