Georgia & Palmer

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Georgia 2.5

Sometimes it's hard to believe you're two and a half. Other times, it's hard to believe you're "only" two and a half. You have exceptional verbal skills, although your teachers say you're quiet at school. Today on the way back from the gym you saw a man walking a dog and said something about him being on the Internet. If we had known you were going to say something so funny we would have listened closer.

You still have the craziest party hair. I made an appointment for you to get your hair cut on Monday, so hopefully Summer will be able to tame that crazy do. I've had several people tell me they like your hair, but I think it kind of takes away from your pretty face. You're so beautiful, and I want your hair to be equally pretty.

You change your own diapers. It's so weird. You like to try to potty on the potty, but you have yet to actually potty on the potty. When you have a wet diaper you say "my need more pull yup." Then you take your shorts off, then your panties off (because you have to wear panties over your Pull-Up), then your dirty Pull-Up, you wipe yourself with a wet wipe, put on a new Pull-Up, pull up your panties and put your shorts back on. It's really unbelievable, and so much more complicated than actually pottying on the potty.

We're looking in to gymnastics lessons for you. I started taking gymnastics shortly after my second birthday, so we figure you're old enough. The gymnastics center by our house has "mommy and me" classes for two- and three-year-olds. I'm excited about getting back into the gym and teaching you the sport I spent nine years of my childhood participating and competing in.

We're really enjoying watching your personality develop. You're opinionated and decisive, which will be useful as a grown-up but rather troublesome at bedtime. You're also very caring and motherly. You like to kiss boo-boos and put medicine on them. Today when I told you my tummy hurt you said you needed your doctor kit and took my blood pressure on my leg. Then you rubbed my belly. You're becoming increasingly affectionate, needing hugs and requesting that we hold you like Palmer.

Speaking of Palmer, the two of you are becoming great friends. Now that he's mobile, he's a lot more fun for you. You play together and he follows you everywhere. I hope you'll always like each other this much.


  • Oh my goodness - I can't WAIT to see those little peanuts in a few months. What a doll. :)


    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:19 PM  

  • We started using conditioner in Henry's hair and it seemed to help quite a bit with the kinky party hair issues.

    By Blogger Greg, at 2:56 PM  

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