Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Home From KC
We just got back from visiting family in KC this afternoon and you decided to celebrate by removing your poopy diaper, tossing it over your crib railing and then peeing on your sheet. As odd and disgusting as this might be, it was really cute to walk in and see you standing in your crib in nothing but a t-shirt.
We had a great time in KC. You went to your first wedding reception. We figured you would dance around on the dance floor, but you seemed a little overwhelmed by the loud music and chose to run up and down the corridor instead.
You discovered a love for doors. You would travel in and out of the coat closet door, waving bye bye and blowing kisses before entering. The funniest thing you did was to use your hip to help close the front door. Sometimes I could kick myself for not catching some of your funny antics on video.

We had a great time in KC. You went to your first wedding reception. We figured you would dance around on the dance floor, but you seemed a little overwhelmed by the loud music and chose to run up and down the corridor instead.
You discovered a love for doors. You would travel in and out of the coat closet door, waving bye bye and blowing kisses before entering. The funniest thing you did was to use your hip to help close the front door. Sometimes I could kick myself for not catching some of your funny antics on video.

Saturday, May 12, 2007
Monday, May 07, 2007
15 Month Stats
All three of us went to your 15-month check-up, and I was sure glad. It doesn't get any easier to see you held down on the exam table and poked with needles, so having your dad there really gives me moral support. Your daddy always tries to explain to you that it's either a painful poke now or polio later. I'm not sure you hear him, though, through all your screaming.
This was your first visit to the doctor since your 12-month check-up, which means you've been very healthy the past three months. Today you measured 32 inches tall (90%) and nearly 26 pounds (75%). You're at least as big as your friends who are six months older than you.
You're right on track with all your developmental milestones, except for one: you still drink milk out of a bottle. And that's our fault. Dr. Patil said that it was very important for you to make the transition to sippy cups, especially with a new baby on the way. So this afternoon's bottle was your last. Up until now you've refused to drink milk out of anything other than a bottle, but we've decided the time has come for you to go cold turkey on the bottles. Tonight we gave you a sippy cup with milk, which you didn't appreciate and cried for about ten minutes until you realized we weren't going to give you a bottle.
Although you're not saying much, at least not much that's recognizable, you understand just about everything. Today you pointed out your ear and mouth when prompted, and you already know your belly and shoes. Your newest word, as of yesterday, is "bubbles" and you say it very well. You try to make a buzzing noise like your daddy does when he reads the book with the bumble bee.
You've been very rough with the dogs lately, and we're desperately trying to teach you to be gentle with them. We caught you climbing up your high chair today. Guess you were hungry. You really like being outside and had a lot of fun at the pool over the weekend. But you're very favorite thing to do right now is read books. Current favorites are Clifford books and books with pictures that you can point at. You are constantly bringing us books to read to you, and we often read the same book dozens of times a day.
This was your first visit to the doctor since your 12-month check-up, which means you've been very healthy the past three months. Today you measured 32 inches tall (90%) and nearly 26 pounds (75%). You're at least as big as your friends who are six months older than you.
You're right on track with all your developmental milestones, except for one: you still drink milk out of a bottle. And that's our fault. Dr. Patil said that it was very important for you to make the transition to sippy cups, especially with a new baby on the way. So this afternoon's bottle was your last. Up until now you've refused to drink milk out of anything other than a bottle, but we've decided the time has come for you to go cold turkey on the bottles. Tonight we gave you a sippy cup with milk, which you didn't appreciate and cried for about ten minutes until you realized we weren't going to give you a bottle.
Although you're not saying much, at least not much that's recognizable, you understand just about everything. Today you pointed out your ear and mouth when prompted, and you already know your belly and shoes. Your newest word, as of yesterday, is "bubbles" and you say it very well. You try to make a buzzing noise like your daddy does when he reads the book with the bumble bee.
You've been very rough with the dogs lately, and we're desperately trying to teach you to be gentle with them. We caught you climbing up your high chair today. Guess you were hungry. You really like being outside and had a lot of fun at the pool over the weekend. But you're very favorite thing to do right now is read books. Current favorites are Clifford books and books with pictures that you can point at. You are constantly bringing us books to read to you, and we often read the same book dozens of times a day.
Future ___________
You are so much fun! We are really enjoying spending time with you these days. You're very curious, chatty and affectionate.
Your personality has really been showing through lately, too, which has prompted us to wonder about what you might be when you grow up. Here are a few thoughts:
- air traffic controller - you love watching planes fly overhead and waving out the airplane window at the workers on the tarmac
- Wal-Mart greeter - you're very friendly. You wave and say "hi" to people all the time at the grocery store, on walks, when we're driving in the car, etc.
- dog pointer outer - you have a very sharp eye for dogs and always point at them and say "dog dog" when you see them
- librarian - you absolutely LOVE books. You'll carry a book over to one of us, hand it to us and sit down on the floor. It's absolutely adorable.
- speaker of tongues - you talk a LOT, but it's all gibberish to us. It reminds us of those documentaries where people suddenly start speaking in tongues.
- dog groomer - you love dogs, but you're a little rough with them. You'll often come up with a handful of fur after hugging the dogs.
Your personality has really been showing through lately, too, which has prompted us to wonder about what you might be when you grow up. Here are a few thoughts:
- air traffic controller - you love watching planes fly overhead and waving out the airplane window at the workers on the tarmac
- Wal-Mart greeter - you're very friendly. You wave and say "hi" to people all the time at the grocery store, on walks, when we're driving in the car, etc.
- dog pointer outer - you have a very sharp eye for dogs and always point at them and say "dog dog" when you see them
- librarian - you absolutely LOVE books. You'll carry a book over to one of us, hand it to us and sit down on the floor. It's absolutely adorable.
- speaker of tongues - you talk a LOT, but it's all gibberish to us. It reminds us of those documentaries where people suddenly start speaking in tongues.
- dog groomer - you love dogs, but you're a little rough with them. You'll often come up with a handful of fur after hugging the dogs.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
You have really been chatty lately. We don't understand most of what you say, but we love to hear your sweet voice and see your expressions. We've noticed that when you say a word, you usually say it twice: dog is "dog dog," go is "go go." It's super cute! We're not certain why you talk like that, but since your first words were "mama," "dada" and "bye bye," we wonder if you figured that all words are said twice.