Georgia & Palmer

Friday, August 31, 2007

18m Photo Shoot

We're finally getting your 18-month photos up. We've been busy working on other people's photos. Hard to believe, I know, but it pays the bills.

Your photo shoot was one of the more difficult we've done. You weren't in the greatest of moods and you're so active that it was hard to keep you posed. Here are just a few shots we got.

Gotta make sure your nose is clean before your big shoot.

Believe it or not, you didn't scream when you made this face. I guess you were just exercising your jaw?

The girl LOVES her Care Bears. Last I counted you had 13.

Showing off your belly button.

Sincere Thanks

For throwing a massive fit at Target today. I'm talking laying on the floor kicking and screaming while sympathetic moms passed by offering knowing smiles. I'm having trouble pinpointing my favorite aspect of this fit. Was it when you banged your head on the display shelf? Or perhaps when you threw your Teddy Grahams all over the floor?

We hightailed it out of the store and home to put you straight to bed. Now you're throwing a fit in your crib because you don't want to nap.

Did I mention that it's not even 11 a.m. yet?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New Swim Suit

This is your fourth swimsuit of the season. You outgrew the first two, and I couldn't find the third. This suit has water wings-looking inflatables that fit into pockets on the front and back of the suit. It looks pretty weird, but it makes me feel a lot better. You tend to wade into the deeper areas of the pool where you can't touch. Now you just float.

Naturally, the day after I bought you this suit I found your little pink bikini that I've been searching weeks for.

Outtakes from this weekend's jaunt to the pool:

First Day Of School

Your first day of school went VERY well. Your teachers reported that you ate all your lunch and snacks and really enjoyed outside playtime. Most surprising was that you slept on a cot for the first time.

We arrived a little before 8:30 so you could participate in "circle time," which starts the school day. We were surprised to see that your class was comprised of all girls, until we were alerted that one of the girls is actually a boy in serious need of a haircut.

The best part was when we picked you up. We peeked in the window to see how you were getting along. You were playing follow the leader while marching to music. A little militaristic but cute. When you saw us you jumped up and down and started smacking your fat little hands on a table. Then you ran over to us for hugs and declared you were ready to "go-go."

We then came home for our evening routine where you learned how to ribbet like a frog during bath time.

Monday, August 27, 2007

New School

We've noticed over the past few weeks that you're getting bored with us. I've even seen you walk around the house swinging your arms in an effort to entertain yourself. I guess there comes a point when you need stimulation from someone other than us, even though your daddy gives the best horsey rides. Plus, I feel like we've reached a point where you need a professional teacher to guide you academically. I know you're only 18 months old, but everything I read says that you'll learn more before the age of five than you do any other time of your life. Dr. Patil says you're doing things physically and academically that a two-year-old should be able to do. I don't want you to lose this momentum because I'm too tired being pregnant to keep up with you.

Enter the new school. It's called Primrose and it's wonderful. When we went to visit, you wanted to go into every room and explore. It's the only school you've seemed comfortable in since we visited the church school you attended as a baby. It's also a private pre-school, so you can continue to attend for the next couple of years.

You'll be going two days a week to start out, partially because I'm not ready for you to be gone everyday of the week. You'll have lunch and snacks at a little table with little chairs and sleep on a cot, which should be especially interesting since you're still sleeping in a crib. We visited during snack time today, and all your classmates were well behaved and sitting quitely in their chairs. I hope their example will rub off on you, as you tend to throw your sippy cup on the floor for no apparent reason. One might think these were just well behaved "stand-in" kids that they use for tours, but since we arrived unannounced it's unlikely.

I don't want to be the overbearing parent, but I'm nervous that your teachers won't understand how exceptional you are without a good 20-minute introduction to all things Georgia. It's like I want to offer a short course, perhaps "Intro to Georgia" or "Georgia 101." How else will they know that you don't say "cat," but instead say "meow?" Or that you say "beer" for "bear?" Or that you love to open and close doors and eat constantly?

I know you'll love your new school and will transition just fine. It's me I'm nervous about...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Just A Little Off The Top, Please

As much as I didn't want to cut your hair, your daddy managed to convince me that it was more important for you to be able to see than for you to have long bangs. So we pulled out the scissors to cut those long wisps that have been hanging in your eyes.

The process was quite a bit tougher than I anticipated. Your daddy had to hold your arms down and keep your head straight so I wouldn't cut you. It appears you enjoyed it about as much as you enjoy me cutting your fingernails (which you don't enjoy at all).

Your daddy and I are pleased with the results. You no longer have to swat the wispy hairs out of your eyes and you still look like a baby.

Finally Something That Is Bigger Around Than My Waist

I had been putting a lot of pressure on myself to enjoy this pregnancy. With the hospitalization, frequent vomiting, backaches, headaches, sleeplessness (I could go on) it's been really tough to enjoy the process.

But I recently realized that it is okay to dislike pregnancy and like the result. I'm sure that time will make me forget some of my current misery, but I don't want you and your little brother or sister to think that I ever blamed you for any of my discomfort. Even when I'm feeling my worst, I'm thankful that both of you are completely healthy. I'll trade 40 weeks (x2) of sickness in exchange for healthy, happy children.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Just Chillin' In Your Stroller...In The Living Room

Monday, August 13, 2007

Put Your Head On My Shoulder

This is one of my favorite things: when you rest your head on my shoulder. It doesn't happen very often, so when you put your head on your daddy's shoulder tonight, we had to take a snapshot.

28 Weeks: Belly Shot

Olivia: "Hey Caroline, How'd You Like To Nap In A Clean, Warm Bed?"

Caroline: "That's a very thoughtful offer, but I think I'd rather sleep on the fur-covered carpet."

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Two Minute Warning

You've never been a big fan of riding in your car seat. I'm not sure why. You don't get upset when we strap you in and you're usually pretty good while we're driving. But when we get close to our destination, you go nuts! The screaming and crying and throwing things begins, making the last few minutes of our trip absolutely miserable for both of us. Our friend, Mandy, calls this the "Two Minute Warning." You and Caroline tend to have meltdowns about two minutes from our final destinations. I really don't understand it, but I'd like for it to stop.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Doc Says It's "Just" Allergies

But anybody who has allergies knows they're miserable. It looks like we're going to have an unusually difficult ragweed season, since there was too much rain this summer to dry up and kill off the weed. I hope your new medicine helps. You look so pathetic with a runny nose and watery eyes.

First Photography Lesson

Pretending The Flash Is A Camera

Hello Hollywood!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

18-Month Stats

You are 18 months old today.


You appear to be developing ideally, according to Dr. Patil. You only got one shot today at your check-up and recovered pretty quickly from the prick. You are 26 lbs. 12.8 oz (75-90%) and are a whopping 34” tall (off the chart).

Your vocabulary has grown so much since your last check-up. Every word has two parts, even if it’s a one syllable word. The first part of the word has a higher inflection that leads into a lower toned second part. It’s adorable. You’ll repeat just about anything we say, but here’s a list of words you use on your own. I’m sure I’ve forgotten some, but I wanted to get as complete a list as possible because at this rate you’ll be writing novels by your third birthday.
nonny=grandma (Olivia’s mom)
papa=grandpa (Olivia’s dad)
mah ma=grandma (Tyler’s mom)
bee bee=baby
doo dee=cookie
nah no=Zander
mah me=Mandy
nee nee=Tony Stewart’s Home Depot Chevy ran good all day
bye bye=bye bye
chew or do=shoe
gee or kee=keys
nite nite=good night
be brr=big bird
bah poo=diaper
mah=Max (cousin)
pee or bee=please
meh mane=air plane
guh go=color
nah nuh=Jana
bay oh=bear
gah go=cracker
bi po=diaper
buh bo=bubbles
dah doo or tah too=thank you
bobby=belly button
e oh=ear
bah bum=bottom

You also say a number of phrases, your most recent being “ook ah me” (“look at me”), know many animal noises and can point to nearly all your body parts. We continue to be amazed at how much you comprehend. A couple of weeks ago your daddy asked you to walk across the living room to pick up a ball and put it on the coffee table. And you did it! We were quite impressed!

Obviously the biggest change we anticipate over the next few months is the arrival of your little brother or sister. We continue to be optimistic that the transition will be okay for you. You tend to get jealous when I hold other babies, but you’re very gentle and loving to them despite your jealousy. As the due date nears I have become increasingly nervous about the baby’s arrival. I love you so much, and I’m afraid that you will feel neglected once the baby is here.

Monday, August 06, 2007

What's Worse Than Having The Stomach Flu?

Being pregnant and having the stomach flu.

And then waking up the following morning to a crib and toddler covered in vomit.

You seem to have weathered the bug better than I. I was sick most of the day on Saturday, and it took me until mid-afternoon to realize it wasn't morning sickness. Luckily you only had one puking episode and were fine the rest of the day.

As far as illnesses go, this one wasn't bad. But I'm certainly glad it's over.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Sweet Caroline

Caroline is your buddy from down the street. She's eight months old and adores watching you do your big girl things. Her mommy and I have a kind of babysitting co-op set up. She watches you one morning a week so I can get some work done, and Caroline hangs out with us another morning so her mommy can do some work. Today was our first day to watch Caroline.

I was a little nervous about how you would react to having a baby around, but you were wonderful! You shared your snack and toys, gave her hugs and kisses and made her giggle. You helped change her diaper by supplying me with wipes and shared your crib when Caroline was ready to nap. When Caroline's mommy came to pick her up you were upset that she had to leave and gave her a big kiss.