Georgia & Palmer

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Little Wedgie

Friday, June 26, 2009


has become a very relevant number in our house recently. It's the number of times Palmer has bitten someone at school PER DAY this week. We are now proficient at filling out incident reports. It's the number of teeth that you have coming in right now. It's the average number of times we get up with you in the middle of the night because you are a horrible teether and need comfort. It's the number of times your sister has thrown a screaming fit in a busy public place in the past 18 hours.

And I'm hoping it's the number of hours I will get to sleep while you both nap today. You two are wearing me out!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Things I Found in Palmer's Diaper Today

Other than the obvious, I was greeted today by a crushed up blueberry muffin and a live fire ant. Must be my lucky day!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Palmer's First Day of School

Today was your long-awaited first day of school. We got you dressed, 'hawked your hair and gathered out front for a commemorative photo. Sure wish I would have known there was a little person finger print on the lens before I took the photo...

I called midway through the day to make sure you were okay. The director told me you didn't nap and that when she looked in on your class during nap time you were sitting at a table doing an art project, quite pleased with yourself for getting out of a nap.

Your teachers fell in love with you, just like we knew they would. Your daily report said your favorite activities were art and playing outside. Your teacher wrote: "Palmer had a GREAT first day! He had a few sad moments but they didn't last long. He loved* doing art and kept giving everyone kisses. YAY!"

* your teacher wrote the letter "o" in the word "loved" as a heart (L-heart-O-V-E-D). She is very young and enthusiastic and full of energy. Bless her.

You darted toward us when we came to pick you up. Sister likes her new role of dropping you off and picking you up from your class.

Tonight you were so tired that you fell asleep before finishing your bottles. I think school is going to be good for all of us.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Pool Time!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

After Dinner Snuggles

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Playing in the Bike Racks at the Gym

Friday, June 05, 2009

Conversations With Georgia

Daddy: Georgia, do you know how much your daddy loves you?
Georgia: Very, very big much (arms outstretched for a big hug)

Dressed Alike

Thursday, June 04, 2009


I often wonder if we should cancel our cleaning service. My mom never had a cleaning service. My grandmother never had a cleaning service. So why is it that I “need” one? I’m sure there are better ways to spend $140 a month (like on college funds or car repairs or liposuction).

But then Claudia arrives every other Wednesday. She does miraculous things with Ajax and Pine Sol and Scrubbing Bubbles. She speaks Spanish to my children and teaches them how to clean the bath tub. And when she leaves the toilets are clean, the dust is gone from the blinds and there are no more Goldfish crackers crushed into my aging carpet.

And for twenty minutes my house is blissfully clean!

Modeling Your New Bikini

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Summer Cut

A couple of weeks ago we decided to buzz your hair for summer. It was a tough job. You are squirmy.

I never really liked it. So yesterday I shaved the sides and outfitted you with an ultra-cool mohawk. We call it a "Palmerhawk." Much better!