Georgia & Palmer

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Conversations With Georgia

While reading "The Three Little Pigs" at bedtime tonight:

Mommy: And the big bad wolf huffed and puffed until he was out of breath, but he could not blow down the brick house.
Georgia: Why was the big bad wolf out of breath?
M: Because he huffed and puffed too much.
G: One time (breath) when I was a little bitty baby like (breath) like Jackson's baby sister (breath) I was out of breath too (breath) because I ate too much.
M: Really?
G: Yeah.

Monday, August 10, 2009

WARNING: Extreme Cuteness

Our friends Lauren and Noah came to visit so we went out to their grandparents' house to see them. We had a really fun time, and it made me wish they lived closer. You and Lauren had the same swimsuit on and requested a photo. It is one of the most adorable photos ever and makes me wish I had taken the photos with one of our good cameras instead of my crummy old point and shoot.

Then you celebrated by doing a little dance.