Georgia & Palmer

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cruel and Unusual

I went to pick you up from school yesterday and in your bag was big white envelope. I was so excited! I thought your school photos had come in. I ignored the urge to rip open the envelope and oogle over the photos. Instead I decided to be a good wife and wait until we got home to open the photos with your daddy.

When we got home, your daddy met us in the driveway like usual. With a cheesy grin I opened up the envelope only to find an order form for a cookie dough fundraiser. I despise school fundraisers and was even more irritated to learn that the money from this fundraiser will be spent on new tables and chairs for the classrooms. There is no need to put tables and chairs in your classroom because no one in your class is able to sit in chairs at tables.

However, I will try to be a good mom and do what I can to raise money. So if anyone is interested in ordering three pound tubs of cookie dough, please make your check out to MUMC CDC.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Oh, How You've Grown!

Dear Georgia:
I was recently watching you sleep in your crib and realized that you're taking up quite a bit of room in there these days. So I got out the first picture we took of you in your crib and marveled at how small you were. It's absolutely amazing to me that you were ever that little!

You mean the world to us and have taught us so much about how to be good parents and supportive partners. We hate that our jobs take us away from you; especially when we're gone for most of the weekend. However, we're coming to terms with the fact that sometimes the best thing to do for you is to work.

You continue to surprise and astound us. You now say "bye-bye" but don't seem to understand its meaning or when to say it. We're quite shocked that you haven't crawled yet, especially because you rolled over at 10 days. I guess we kind of figured you would do everything early after that feat.

You're so independent and curious! You're always watching things, reaching for things, studying things. It's intriguing and often entertaining to watch you explore your world. We can already tell you're going to be a girl who wants to figure things out for herself.

Every stage you reach is more fun than the previous. We can't wait to watch you become the little person you were meant to be.

The Hardest Thing About Being Sick Is Remembering Not To Smooch You

Those cheeks are just so irrestible!

Onesies Don't Lie

The Neighborhood Gang

Thursday, October 19, 2006

One Solitary Tear

Blue Jean Baby

Today was the first colder day of the season, so we celebrate by dressing you in your jean jacket and posing for some photos. You're getting more demanding about being held, so you didn't appreciate being sat in the grass for some shots.

You Hair Is Finally Long Enough (Sorta) For A Barette

I Don't Need No Stinkin' Bumper Pads

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Grandma Visits!

Swiftly Making Your Way Through The 'R' Viruses

Two weeks ago you surprised us by getting RSV, a pretty severe upper respiratory infection. Luckily, you only had a mild case of the virus and were well after a few days of antibiotics.

This weekend you had Rotavirus, which causes mass quantities sewage to fill (and overflow) your diapers and vomit to exit your mouth (please note, this is not a scientific description of the virus). The only thing you could keep down was Pedialyte, a beverage your daddy describes as "Gatorade that they charge extra for because it has a little bear on it."

I guess RSV was worse than Rotavirus because you had some pretty scary coughing spells. However, I can't imaging a more disgusting ailment than Rotavirus. Despite tiling the floors with blankets, I think we're going to have to get the carpets cleaned to get all of the stink out. You puked on your dad and your diaper leaked all over one of my favorite skirts. Both episodes required a bath for you and shower for us.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Proof of Tooth


You've perfected a creative way of going from a standing to a sitting position: you scoot your feet apart like you're doing the Chinese splits until you're close enough to the floor to plop down. It's quite entertaining.

Afternoon at the Duck Pond

We recently had a fun afternoon outing to our neighborhood duck pond. You were intrigued by the ducks running around the park and swimming in the pond.

Your daddy brought some bread and drew quite a crowd.

You and I hung out on the blanket...

...while your daddy ran for his life from the wildlife.

Luckily, you had your mommy to protect you from the seige.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Houston, We Have A Tooth

We've been amazed at how quickly your first tooth is growing in. We're able to catch quick glimpses of it when you chew on your fingers and can actually see it (sometimes) when you smile. We'd love to take a photo of it and put it on your blog. Please let us!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thank Heaven For Retakes

This morning you woke up early so I played with you from about 6 a.m. until it was time to get you ready for school. I was exhausted, so your daddy agreed to get you ready and take you into school. He dressed you in your Cardinals uniform in honor of the Cardinals playoff game.

Problem was: it was picture day.

When Tyler took you to the set to get your picture taken, the photographer asked what "his" name was, referring to my beautiful baby girl. When your daddy told me the story, I was horrified.

Of all the days for your daddy to dress you...

Luckily re-takes are tomorrow.

Halloween Costume Trial

You obviously enjoyed it.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Fake Smile

So, Does It?

All Dressed Up

This weekend was a big one for us. It was your mommy and daddy's 6th wedding anniversary. You celebrated by getting really sick. We celebrated by having dinner at Vin Bistro on Saturday. We stayed at the lake Sunday and Monday and played. It was our first nights away from you, and it was surprisingly easy to be away from you.

While we were at the lake, you spent some quality time with your nonny and papa and got really upset when they had to go home.

But while they were here you had a bunch of fun playing catch with them,

Showing off how you signal for a touchdown,

And keeping all of us wondering if you were finally going to crawl.

No crawling just yet, but you did sprout your first tooth. There's nothing to photograph yet, but we can feel the very tip top of your first tooth working its way in.