Sunday, June 24, 2007
Pool Time!

We had a wedding free weekend, so we decided to spend some time at the neighborhood watering hole. We got rained out on Saturday, but Sunday was a ton of fun. You've become very accommodating when we put your swim diaper, suit and swim shoes on, repeating excitedly "poo" the whole time. We have really come to enjoy watching you get so excited about the pool. You'll bounce up and down, slap your hands on your legs. It's almost like you're so excited you can't keep it inside.
Today there was a little baby raft left at the pool, so your daddy took you for several rides while you steered. Although the water was a little chilly from our recent rainstorms, you seemed to really enjoy it.
New words:
bah be = strawberry
wah wah = water
geeeeee or keeeeee = keys
ah = hat
You're starting to say some phrases, too:
i dah ba = I've got the ball
i guh wide = I go for a ride
dury bah bah = dirty bottle
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Happy Fun Pool Time

New words:
okay = okay
cookie = cookie
poopy = poopy
You seem to say at least one new word a day, so it's hard to keep track of all of them. You also have eight teeth now, six on top and only two on the bottom.
poopy = poopy
You seem to say at least one new word a day, so it's hard to keep track of all of them. You also have eight teeth now, six on top and only two on the bottom.
It's A...
We had our 20-week ultrasound today and managed to get through the whole thing without finding out if you're going to have a little brother or sister. When you were in mommy's belly, we found out you were a girl at this ultrasound. You may think we're crazy for not finding out, but we're pretty excited about being surprised on the baby's birth day.
You should have seen how wiggly the baby was! We didn't get a lot of pictures of the baby because it wouldn't stop moving. The baby even got the hiccups at one point during the exam, which was pretty cool to watch. The best news is that the little one looks perfectly healthy with the right number of arms, legs, hands, feet, heart chambers, etc. We were pretty confident going into the exam that all was well, but it was very reassuring to hear it from a trained medical professional.
You should have seen how wiggly the baby was! We didn't get a lot of pictures of the baby because it wouldn't stop moving. The baby even got the hiccups at one point during the exam, which was pretty cool to watch. The best news is that the little one looks perfectly healthy with the right number of arms, legs, hands, feet, heart chambers, etc. We were pretty confident going into the exam that all was well, but it was very reassuring to hear it from a trained medical professional.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Tyler Schmitt Named "Father of the Year" For Second Straight Year

Why you are an amazing daddy:
- nobody makes Georgia giggle like you do. Sometimes you have to stop tickling her so she can catch her breath.
- you take her to the pool and toss her high in the air
- you take her to the pool and toss her high in the air
- you often get up with her in the morning so I can sleep longer (this is my favorite reason)
- you watch Backyardigans with her when you'd rather watch racing
- you never decline a request from her to read a book (even when you're watching racing)
- you never complain about having to change a stinky diaper
Friday, June 15, 2007
Tyler Felt The Baby Kick
I've been feeling the baby kick for several weeks, but it wasn't until Wednesday morning that your daddy was able to feel you himself. I think you spent the night cross training for the big event because you woke me up several times in the night kicking.
Fun With Toilet Paper

Yesterday you grabbed a small piece of TP, held it up to your nose and made a nose blowing noise. You weren't actually blowing your nose, you were spitting into the tissue, but it was cute anyway.
New words over the past several weeks:
bapple = apple
bobble = bottle
boo = pool
ba = ball
no = no
booh = book
nack = snack (not just any snack, it has to be fruit snacks or you get frustrated)
nana = Jana
nonny = nonny (grandma)
choo = shoes
cool = school now call us "mommy" and "daddy" instead of "mama" and "dada." Not sure of why the change or how you even figured that out since we always refer to ourselves as "mama" and "dada." Either way we love to hear it!
Your new favorite outing is the pool. We have to wait until the very last minute to tell you we're going. Otherwise you stand at the back door and say "boo" and get frustrated when we're not ready. When we get to the pool you barely tolerate us putting sunscreen on you and run to the shallow end. Today you let us take you into the deep end and bounce you around. You also love it when your daddy tosses you up in the air in the water.
Your favorite toy right now is a ball. You actually play fetch with yourself. You throw the ball, look at us while pointing and say "ba" before chasing after the ball. Sometimes the dogs get confused and run after the ball. You follow them and say "no."
A Special Invitation
Dear Baby Growing In My Belly:
You are cordially invited to get off of my sciatic nerve.
Your host (aka mama)
You are cordially invited to get off of my sciatic nerve.
Your host (aka mama)
Monday, June 11, 2007
Other People's Kids
One of the joys of motherhood is bragging to other mothers about your own child. I've always enjoyed swapping stories about diaper messes, food messes, etc. But lately I've found it especially difficult to express to other moms why Georgia is so much cuter, smarter, funnier and overall better than their own offspring. I always told myself that I wasn't going to be one of "those" moms. But the fact of the matter is that it's true. You are the cutest, smartest, funniest baby ever. And the world needs to know...