Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
You are fascinated with babies in the belly. You're constantly talking about your friends whose mommies have babies in their bellies, and you want the babies to come out. You like to walk around the house with one of your bears or baby dolls under your shirt. It used to be cute. Now it's just normal.
But your latest development is hysterical! I sneak into your room after you fall asleep at night to turn off your light. For the past several nights I've looked over to see you fast asleep with your arms over your head and a bear under your shirt.
But your latest development is hysterical! I sneak into your room after you fall asleep at night to turn off your light. For the past several nights I've looked over to see you fast asleep with your arms over your head and a bear under your shirt.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 09, 2009
You no longer wear Pull-Ups to bed. I've delayed writing about this, certain that doing so would jinx the whole thing. So I fully expect you to wake up drenched in pee sometime before dawn.
School Easter Egg Hunt
Today was your Easter egg hunt at school. Families were invited to attend, so we all came along. Here you are thrilled to be sitting next to Nicholas before the hunt kicked off.

While the teachers handed out the baskets, Palmer took it upon himself to do a little tidying up around the art center.

Oh boy! All lined up to go outside for the big hunt.

Palmer was pretty busy exploring while you and your classmates hunted for eggs. But he took a minute out to get some mama lovin'.

A little pre-hunt pep talk from daddy.

You got a little sidetracked by the playscape...

...but you did enough hunting to come up with a pretty impressive loot.

And, like everyday in your class, you were the prettiest girl there!

While the teachers handed out the baskets, Palmer took it upon himself to do a little tidying up around the art center.

Oh boy! All lined up to go outside for the big hunt.

Palmer was pretty busy exploring while you and your classmates hunted for eggs. But he took a minute out to get some mama lovin'.

A little pre-hunt pep talk from daddy.

You got a little sidetracked by the playscape...

...but you did enough hunting to come up with a pretty impressive loot.

And, like everyday in your class, you were the prettiest girl there!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Saturday, April 04, 2009
of underestimating you. Tonight we went to a party where a band was scheduled to play. I expected we would need to leave before the band started up, but you both enjoyed it. In fact, you LOVED it! You both danced around and jumped up and down and bounced on my lap. I think it was the most fun you've ever had at a party. We left at 9 p.m., two hours past bedtime.
Friday, April 03, 2009
You’ve been pretty frustrated lately. You want to do everything your big sister does, but you’re realizing you can’t. You want to eat with a fork but can’t quite figure out the technique. You want to play with Play-doh and Crayons but you eat them so I have to take them away. I find myself saying “no” to you a lot these days, but it’s only because I’m trying to keep you from hurting yourself (and licking the electrical outlets).
Your molars are coming in so you’re pretty miserable. I feel like I’m constantly giving you Motrin and teething tablets and you still cry. Teething seems to be more painful for you than it was for your sister (ironically, sister is getting her two-year molars now and we didn’t notice until we were brushing her teeth a few days ago).
You are increasingly frustrated by language, too. You know what you want and grunting while pointing seems to get the point across in most cases. However, boy, you need to learn to speak! You like to tease us by saying the occasional word here and there, but you don’t use words regularly. I have a feeling you’re storing up all these words and will unveil a verbal explosion for us one of these days. At least I hope.
Despite your frustrations you continue to be very affectionate. The first thing you do in the mornings is to hug your sister. So cute! Hugs and kisses abound throughout the day, which we love even though your teething results in very wet kisses. You love hugging your friends, too. Every time Dominic comes over you welcome him with a big bear hug.
Your molars are coming in so you’re pretty miserable. I feel like I’m constantly giving you Motrin and teething tablets and you still cry. Teething seems to be more painful for you than it was for your sister (ironically, sister is getting her two-year molars now and we didn’t notice until we were brushing her teeth a few days ago).
You are increasingly frustrated by language, too. You know what you want and grunting while pointing seems to get the point across in most cases. However, boy, you need to learn to speak! You like to tease us by saying the occasional word here and there, but you don’t use words regularly. I have a feeling you’re storing up all these words and will unveil a verbal explosion for us one of these days. At least I hope.
Despite your frustrations you continue to be very affectionate. The first thing you do in the mornings is to hug your sister. So cute! Hugs and kisses abound throughout the day, which we love even though your teething results in very wet kisses. You love hugging your friends, too. Every time Dominic comes over you welcome him with a big bear hug.