Georgia & Palmer

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Conversations with Georgia

While walking down the aisle at Target today...

Georgia: puts fingers in her ears MOMMY CAN YOU HEAR ME?
Mommy: Yes, Georgia, I can hear you.
M: Yes, I can still hear you.
G: CAN breath YOU breath HEAR breath ME breath NOW?

At this point other shoppers were staring and we had to have a little conversation about the inappropriateness of the conversation. It was a little like shopping with the Verizon spokesdude.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Beautiful Girls!

The Arteest

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Posin' With Pumpkins

Obligatory October Pumpkin Patch Photo

Monday, October 19, 2009

'Hey Palmer, What's A Dinosaur Say?'


First Pedicure

I've always felt it was pretty unnecessary for really little girls to get pedicures, but we had so much fun! I love having someone to do girly stuff with. We won't be making this a regular occurrence, though.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

You Woke Up This Way

Palmer Wasn't Scared At All of Thomas


Last week you were sick. Fever, puking, blisters in your throat. It was one of the worst bouts of sickness you've had. The most worrying symptom was your inability to eat. I think you wanted to eat, but it was too painful. You lost so much weight. A week later and you're still noticeably lighter.

You tested negative for swine flu and strep throat, so we have no idea what it was. And that's all I have to say about that.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Conversations With Georgia

Today we went for a bike ride. It consisted of you two riding your bikes down the hill and then me carrying your bikes back up the hill. It was it a great time (read sarcastically). Anywho, while I was laboring back up the hill we had this conversation:

Georgia: Mommy, we're holding hands.
Mommy: I see. That's very nice.
G: We're holding hands because we're friends.
M: Yeah.
G: I'm Palmer's friend and Palmer is my friend.
M: That's very nice.
G: Palmer, we're friends.

Georgia: Daddy, look what I can do! (excitedly showing off that you can now flip the bird)
Daddy: (reluctantly) Wow that's great. Go show your mommy.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Monday, October 05, 2009

Conversations With Georgia

While watching "March of the Penguins:"

Daddy: Georgia, are you going to marry a penguin when you grow up?
Georgia: No, they bite.

Sunday, October 04, 2009
