Georgia & Palmer

Sunday, November 22, 2009


You are two. No longer young enough to refer to as being months old. I'm not sappy or nostalgic about you losing your babyness. In fact, I really like big boy Palmer. You're so capable and verbal. We understand most of the things you say, and for the things we don't understand we simply defer to your translator (aka, your sister. She understands everything you say.).

You like to jump and sing and dance and you are constantly running. You're like a little Forrest Gump. You are proud of the things you do and tell us to "wat me" or "yook at me." Or you'll show off a piece of artwork you painted.

You also love to ride your bike and play with balls. Still into Cars and all their characters. Your current favorite character is Sarge because he has a wheel on the back of his truck like your daddy.

Overall the consensus is that you're awesome!

Fairy Princess and Football Man (aka Belated Halloween Post)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Conversations with Georgia

After a particularly challenging afternoon with your brother:

Daddy: Georgia, your baby brother is being a bear today.
Georgia: Daddy, Palmer's not a bear!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Last Bath in Austin

Fun with leftover shaving cream.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Conversations With Palmer

While carrying you downstairs after nap today:

Mommy: Is Palmer the most handsome boy in the world?
Palmer: Yike Dommik daddy (like Dominic's daddy).

I think you miss your buddy Dominic. We have the following conversation numerous times daily:
P: Where Dommik daddy?
M: Dominic's daddy is at work.
P: Where Dommik mommy?
M: Dominic's mommy is working, too.
P: Why?
M: Because that's what they do during the day.
P: Where Dommik?
M: Dominic is at school.
P: Why?
M: Because that's what Dominic does during the day.
P: Oh.