Thursday, November 30, 2006
Break Out The Winter Coat

Today was the first really cold day of the season so you got to wear your new winter coat for the first time. We weren't outside much, but you really didn't like the cold weather. The 40 foot walk from the parking lot to the front door of your school was just short enough to keep you from screaming. You'll have to toughen up a little before we head to KC for Christmas. It's REALLY cold there!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Dear Georgia:
You took a really long nap the other day and when your daddy went in to get you he found you like this:

YOU WERE STANDING UP! You have pulled yourself up against tables, chairs, stairs and toys, but for some reason those times weren't near as cute as the first time we found you standing up in your crib.
We were so excited that we plopped you down on your bottom in hopes that you would perform your new trick for us. We weren't disappointed. You moved in virtual slow motion as if you were explaining the process to us slowly so we could comprehend the mechanics of your feat.

After showing off you stood in your crib smiling, laughing and squealing in delight. It was a great moment!

Since day care was closed for the holiday, we were in charge of entertaining you for six days in a row. I don't think we could have dreamed of a better holiday. You were such a delight, showing off new tricks and skills. You've been a very independent baby up to this point, and we've been very thankful for your confidence and determination. But lately you've really become affectionate, giving hugs and kisses. Our hearts melt when you speed crawl toward us, wrap your arms around us and pat us on the backs. Your open-mouthed kisses are quite slobbery, but we're not complaining. We love them!
You seem to be comprehending some of the things we say these days. When we say "kisses" you lean over and give us mooches. We're working on "gimme five" now, and you've forgotten "bye, bye." You also know "come here," your name, daddy, mommy and puppies.
We're continually impressed.
You took a really long nap the other day and when your daddy went in to get you he found you like this:

YOU WERE STANDING UP! You have pulled yourself up against tables, chairs, stairs and toys, but for some reason those times weren't near as cute as the first time we found you standing up in your crib.
We were so excited that we plopped you down on your bottom in hopes that you would perform your new trick for us. We weren't disappointed. You moved in virtual slow motion as if you were explaining the process to us slowly so we could comprehend the mechanics of your feat.

After showing off you stood in your crib smiling, laughing and squealing in delight. It was a great moment!

Since day care was closed for the holiday, we were in charge of entertaining you for six days in a row. I don't think we could have dreamed of a better holiday. You were such a delight, showing off new tricks and skills. You've been a very independent baby up to this point, and we've been very thankful for your confidence and determination. But lately you've really become affectionate, giving hugs and kisses. Our hearts melt when you speed crawl toward us, wrap your arms around us and pat us on the backs. Your open-mouthed kisses are quite slobbery, but we're not complaining. We love them!
You seem to be comprehending some of the things we say these days. When we say "kisses" you lean over and give us mooches. We're working on "gimme five" now, and you've forgotten "bye, bye." You also know "come here," your name, daddy, mommy and puppies.
We're continually impressed.
Family Photo Time
Every year about this time we take a family photo. We usually put the camera on a tripod, set the timer and wrestle the dogs in an attempt to get a lucky shot of everyone looking toward the camera when the shutter releases. This year was much different. For the first time EVER we had family photos taken professionally.
The dogs got the boot from this year's photo (sorry, boys, but you're just too much to handle with a little one), but your inclusion really made up for their absence.
You seemed very aware that you were all dressed up and needed to stay put. I was really impressed that you didn't crawl all over the park and get grass stains on your pretty Christmas dress.
We are so happy with the results and can't wait to add this photo to our family photo wall. Thanks to Chris and Beth Lewis for their wonderful work!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
9 Months (aka 2006 3rd Quarter Report)
I'm a little late on posting your nine month update, but you've been doing so much lately that it's hard to keep up with you.
First for the obligatory statistics: you are now 29.5 inches (97%) tall and weigh 22.7 pounds (90-95%). You've grown 1.5 inches and gained 4 pounds in the past three months.
You crawl EVERYWHERE, but it's not the typical crawl. In true Georgia style you have a completely unique technique: both hands on the floor (often making cute little smacking noises as you move along), one foot on the floor and one knee being dragged along behind. It's not much different than a crab walks. I'll give you credit, though, because it enables you to drag along toys, books, fur balls, etc., as you move.
You have two bottom teeth now and I suspect you'll sprout a third before Thanksgiving. Smart move in preparation for turkey dinner. At nine months you can eat just about anything other than nuts and eggs, so Thanksgiving will be a food wonderland for you.
With your toothy grin and new mobility, it's almost like we have a new baby. We're accustomed to setting you down and returning to you being in the same position. Now we'll put you down in the living room, head to the kitchen to make you a bottle and find you curiously poking your head around the corner. We've just gotten used to seeing those little chicklet teeth when you smile, and now it seems you'll be adding more.
You have become so much fun in the past couple of weeks. You'll crawl right up to us, pull up and hug us! You even give least we think that's what you're doing when you bang your head against us (or the dogs, or the tables, etc.).
Screaming. You seem to have discovered a new vocal range and enjoy showing it off. Please stop.
The dogs are enjoying your existence a lot more now that you are eating finger foods. We often look over to see you tossing scraps of food to the pups. Of course, they have learned to hover around your highchair as you eat anticipating your leftovers. They've also become quite helpful to us as well, licking the floor clean when something spills so we don't have to mop it up.
You're growing like mad and outgrowing your clothes quickly. You're so tall that 12 month pants are a little short for your long legs. We're hoping your Christmas dress still fits by the time you get to wear it.
You are nothing but a joy to us (except when screaming) and we feel so thankful to have you to entertain us this Thanksgiving.
First for the obligatory statistics: you are now 29.5 inches (97%) tall and weigh 22.7 pounds (90-95%). You've grown 1.5 inches and gained 4 pounds in the past three months.
You crawl EVERYWHERE, but it's not the typical crawl. In true Georgia style you have a completely unique technique: both hands on the floor (often making cute little smacking noises as you move along), one foot on the floor and one knee being dragged along behind. It's not much different than a crab walks. I'll give you credit, though, because it enables you to drag along toys, books, fur balls, etc., as you move.
You have two bottom teeth now and I suspect you'll sprout a third before Thanksgiving. Smart move in preparation for turkey dinner. At nine months you can eat just about anything other than nuts and eggs, so Thanksgiving will be a food wonderland for you.
With your toothy grin and new mobility, it's almost like we have a new baby. We're accustomed to setting you down and returning to you being in the same position. Now we'll put you down in the living room, head to the kitchen to make you a bottle and find you curiously poking your head around the corner. We've just gotten used to seeing those little chicklet teeth when you smile, and now it seems you'll be adding more.
You have become so much fun in the past couple of weeks. You'll crawl right up to us, pull up and hug us! You even give least we think that's what you're doing when you bang your head against us (or the dogs, or the tables, etc.).
Screaming. You seem to have discovered a new vocal range and enjoy showing it off. Please stop.
The dogs are enjoying your existence a lot more now that you are eating finger foods. We often look over to see you tossing scraps of food to the pups. Of course, they have learned to hover around your highchair as you eat anticipating your leftovers. They've also become quite helpful to us as well, licking the floor clean when something spills so we don't have to mop it up.
You're growing like mad and outgrowing your clothes quickly. You're so tall that 12 month pants are a little short for your long legs. We're hoping your Christmas dress still fits by the time you get to wear it.
You are nothing but a joy to us (except when screaming) and we feel so thankful to have you to entertain us this Thanksgiving.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
We had our family photos taken on Friday with our friends and fellow photographers, the Lewises. They brought their beautiful baby girl, Lauren, who is six weeks younger than Georgia but has significantly more hair. We sat the girls down together for a series of photos together.
Lauren: "Mom, look. It's my friend, Georgia!"
Georgia: "Hmmm, you've got pretty shoes."
Georgia: "Let me look a little closer at that shoe"
Lauren: "She's got my shoe and I'm not sure if I'm okay with it."
Georgia: "Look, Lauren. I have a shoe, too!"
Lauren: "Hmm."
Lauren: "Hey mom, Georgia has shoes, too."
Lauren: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha."
Georgia: "I'm just laughing because Lauren is laughing."
Lauren: "Hey, you didn't have to throw my shoe."
Georgia: "Sorry. I'm still working on those fine motor skills."
Saturday, November 11, 2006
It's The Little Things
I love walking up to my car and seeing your car seat through the window. Even when you're not traveling with me, I love the fact that a little reminder of you is. It's kind of like a badge of honor. The car seat sticks up over the seat so everyone driving or parked around me can see that I am a mommy.
Your car seat doesn't always carry you. Sometimes it holds my camera when I'm traveling between venues. Other times it holds groceries or bags from Target. But they never fit the space as well as you. So even though your car seat holds other things from time to time, remember that it's specially designed just for you.
Your car seat doesn't always carry you. Sometimes it holds my camera when I'm traveling between venues. Other times it holds groceries or bags from Target. But they never fit the space as well as you. So even though your car seat holds other things from time to time, remember that it's specially designed just for you.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
I Could Have Discovered A Cure For Cancer In The Amount Of Time It Took To Install Your New Car Seat
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
"Yee Haw" Halloween
This was a really cool Halloween. You didn't have a clue why you were dressed in cow print, but you kept your cowboy hat on all night. Your dad insisted that I take photos of the two of you all dressed up. He wants to make sure that when you're older you know who the cool parent is. I guess he thinks that dressing like an idiot makes him the cool one.