Georgia & Palmer

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Conversations With Georgia

Your daddy has been working like a dog this month. He's done an amazing job of being involved and making our little family a priority this month despite his hectic schedule. However this past week you and he had a conversation that made his heart melt:

Georgia: I don't want you to go.
Daddy: I don't want to go, either, but I have to go to work.
G: I don't want you to go to work (cue foot stomp and pouty lip)
D: I have to go to work to get money so you can have food and toys and pretty dresses.
G: I have enough pretty dresses.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Dancing Girls

Our neighbor is a member of the dance troupe at Austin High School. We went to their spring show with nonny to watch her dance. You LOVED it! You sat on my lap the whole show, snuggling with me and bouncing up and down to the music. Between every number you turned to me and said, "I want to see more of the dancing girls." And between every number I explained to you that they were coming back. It was adorable to me, but probably a little annoying to the people sitting around us.

You were absolutely pooped and passed out on the drive home.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Don't Worry, Georgia, I'm Just as Confused as You Are

This afternoon I was in the car with you and your brother and had the following conversation:
Georgia: Where are we going to go after we wake up from nap?
Mommy: We’re not going anywhere. We’re going to have Dominic and his mommy and daddy over for a bar-b-que.
G: Why are they coming over for the bar de que?
M: Because today is a holiday. Do you know what a holiday is?
G: Yes.
M: What is a holiday?
G: I don’t know.
M: A holiday is a very special day that celebrates something. Like Christmas is a holiday. But today is called Memorial Day and it celebrates people who have died.

Okay, so I know that’s a lame explanation of Memorial Day, but I didn’t want to have a big discussion about war and veterans and international conflict. But that pathetic explanation didn’t quench your curiosity, so the conversation continued like so…
G: Did daddy die?
M: No daddy didn’t die. He’s at home.
G: No, when daddy was a little boy?
M: No, he didn’t die when he was a little boy. He’s still here.

We pulled into the garage so I thought the conversation had ended. And I hoped that you had forgotten everything I had just said and that I would have time later to determine the right explanation. But a few minutes later while picking up toys in the living room your questions continued…
G: Do we drive our car to get to Heaven?
M: No. We get to Heaven a different way.
G: On a airplane?
M: No. God comes to get us and take us to Heaven.
G: How does he take us?
M: That’s kind of complicated.
G: Where is Heaven?
M: It’s way up high in the sky.
G: Looks inquisitively toward the ceiling.
M: Time for nap.

Not one of my more stellar mommy moments.

More From The Salt Lick


Walking is old hat for you now, so you’ve moved on to running. You are a hilarious runner! Knees up, eyes focused you hurry to your destination. Your chunky little cheeks even bounce up and down.

But you occasionally take a tumble and when you do you hit the deck like you’ve been shot by a sniper. Then we yell “sniper!” We’re cool like that.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

On a Mission

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Picker, Grinner, Lover

Follow the Leader

Friday, May 22, 2009

Just Another Picture of Palmer Looking Adorable


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Belated Easter Post

At The Salt Lick with Nonny and Papa

Friday, May 15, 2009

Conversations With Georgia

Last week we went to a pioneer village with your buddy, Archer, and his mommy. They have a small Native American village with tee pees and such set up. We played in a tee pee for a few minutes and then had the following hilarious conversation:

Mommy: Hey Georgia, come here. I want to show you the kitchen. (the "kitchen" was a fire pit surrounded by tree stumps for chairs)

Georgia: Where's the microwave?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mommy and Nonny

Monday, May 11, 2009

Girl Power!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Some of My Favs from March's Family Photo Shoot