Georgia & Palmer

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Conversations With Georgia

While putting you to bed last night:
G: Mommy, I don't want to sleep with my eyes closed.
M: Well how do you think you're going to fall asleep?
G: I'll sleep with my eyes open.
M: You will, huh?
G: Yeah. I don't want to sleep with my eyes closed.
M: Why don't you give it a try?
G: NO! I want to sleep with my eyes OPEN.
M: Oh yeah? Well how's that working out for you?
G: silence

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


You are currently the same age your sister was when you were born. Wow.

Conversations With Georgia

You have become interested in bubble gum lately and convinced your daddy to buy you some at the supermarket last weekend. Little did he know that simple purchase would result in an hour-long fit last night after I refused to give you another piece. You swallowed the first.

When I tucked you in last night you talked again about bubble gum:

Georgia: I had bubble gum today.
Mommy: Yeah, did you swallow it?
G: No.
M: Did you throw it in the trash?
G: No.
M: Where did it go?
G: In my belly.
M: You swallowed it?
G: No. I put it in my belly.

Obviously I need an anatomy lesson.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

19m, 20m, 21m

You’ve had a lot going on lately. The biggest thing is that you started school. Oh how I love Tuesdays and Thursdays! As much as I love you and your sister, it’s nice to have a break and do grown-up things. Your teachers are wonderful, and they’re constantly telling us how sweet you are. Your favorite activities are reportedly outside play time and art projects. You don’t much like drop-off time, but you’re always happy when we pick you up and your teachers say you don’t cry long when we leave in the mornings.

You’re teething like mad and have been biting a lot. Last time I picked you up from school your teachers said that you bit three of your classmates. They aren’t as worried about it as I am. They say it’s a phase many children go through and you’ll outgrow it.

You’ve learned how to run and you now spend more time running than walking, making it challenging to keep up with you. It also results in a lot more bumps and bruises. You enjoy dancing around the living room with your sister. Jumping and somersaults are also new skills.

You are absolutely obsessed with the movie Cars. We watch it numerous times daily. We have a copy of it for the house and for the car. You have Lightning McQueen sippy cups, a pillow, blanket, die-cast cars and haulers, pajamas. It’s likely bordering on an unhealthy obsession, but you enjoy it so much that we can’t help but support it.

You’ve had a vocabulary explosion lately. Everyday you surprise us with new words. Interestingly, you still don’t say your name. Some of your newest words include:
dee = Lightning McQueen
ni ni = night night
ot = hot
at = hat
Bee ba = baseball
Da da or dor da = Georgia
Bite = bike or bite
B doh = pit stop
No nee = morning
Di di doh = dinosaur
Bubby dah = puppy dog
Mac = mac (from the movie Cars)
Bobble = bottle (sippy cup with milk)

Longest sentence to date: don ee bee ba at = I want my baseball hat

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Helloooooo Hollywood!

Palmer Fought the Kitchen Table

The table won.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

4th of July Party on the 4th of July

We went to a friend's house for some July 4th fun. We were having a grand time until we noticed Georgia was warm. A quick temperature check showed a fever of 103. We watched a movie for a bit and then headed home early.

Palmer was still wanting to party when we got home.

Sissy wasn't.

Two days later you were diagnosed with the flu.

4th of July Party

We had a fabulous time at the Grey Rock Golf Club's 4th of July festival. It was actually on July 3rd, but we went anyway.

Running around on the practice putting green.

Investigating the hole in the putting green. Future greens keeper?

Watching the band perform.

I was in charge of the camera and brother, so most of the photos I took that night were of him. Plus, he was rockin' the 'hawk that night so he was especially cute and photo worthy.

You spent much of the evening pulling a wagon around the fairway.

Spying on some big boys playing catch with a football.

Dang, you're adorable!

Daddy had a talk with Georgia about the fireworks and how they were going to be bright and loud and that you didn't need to be scared. You still freaked out. Good news: we beat traffic.

4th of July Parade

We joined you at your school for the annual 4th of July parade. I was looking forward to getting some pictures of each of you and your friends, but once you saw your daddy and me you didn't want to have anything to do with your friends. Your daddy walked the entire parade route with you, which was about a block long in the school parking lot.

This is the first shirt I've ever purchased for you in the girls' department. Not the baby/toddler department, the girls' department. Sigh...

Monday, July 06, 2009

Sick House

It's 5:21 a.m. I've been awake since 3:30 with a fever. At 4 you woke up puking. We've since bathed you, attempted to get some food in your belly, changed your sheets and tucked you in to your bed with the slide. You're so hot I can hardly stand to touch you. You're the saddest, most pathetic, most beautiful sick person I've ever seen.

Your brother has a horrible hacking cough. He keeps coughing in his sleep. He might cough until he vomits. At least that's what he did yesterday.

It's 5:23 now. I'm exhausted and helpless and crying. Why isn't the doctor's office open yet?

Saturday, July 04, 2009



Friday, July 03, 2009


He's A Hard Workin' Man

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Runnin' Circles With Keira

Shoulder, Knee and Toes

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Bubble Bliss

Best Purchase I've Made All Summer

You two love your lawn mowers. You enjoy "mowing" the grass, sidewalks, carpet, tile and anything else you can run over.