We've been having so much fun with our four-year-old daughter that I forgot to blog about how you're now four. First off, your stats:
Height: 43" - 90-97%
Weight: 38# - 75%
BMI: 14.5 - 25%
And you got four shots, which means the rest of your four-year check-up was horrible.
Having a four-year-old is AWESOME! We play games, ride bikes, have conversations, read books. It's all stuff we've done with you all along, but now it's somehow more awesome.
You love to play outside: riding your bikes, watering the flowers, digging in the dirt next door, watching the houses go up around us. I'll draw a big race track in the cul-de-sac out front so you and brother can have races. You're finally warming up to riding your big girl bike with training wheels, but you don't want your daddy to watch you. You love our backyard. You play tee-ball, hide-and-seek and chase with daddy and brother. You like to pretend the backyard is your stage. You'll take your microphone out there, make up funny songs and put on concerts. We also frequently have picnics out there. Something about picnics makes you eat something other than pancakes, so I'm liking this!
You don't take naps anymore, so your brother has boycotted them, too. I was originally bummed about this, but it has turned out to be great. We don't have to stop in the middle of the day, and bedtime is earlier.
You still change your clothes countless times daily. It's no wonder I'm constantly doing laundry.
The funniest word in the English language is underwear. Uncontrollable laughing at the mention of the word.