Visiting Mommy In The Hospital
After losing 20 pounds, as well as temporarily losing my sanity, my doctor decided it was time for me to spend a couple of days in the hospital getting fluids and anti-nausea medicine. It was quite a lonely stay, with your daddy remaining at home to care for you. But I wasn't nervous at all about his single parenting skills.
As you know, I'm home now and feeling significantly better. I haven't thrown up in three days (cross your fingers that this will continue), but I'm still extremely weak and tired. My appetite isn't up to par, but at least I'm able to keep food down. I'm relieved to be through the first trimester and hope to feel more normal soon.
Since your daddy is working this weekend, Jana has been your primary caregiver. I don't know what we'd do without her.
Your daddy and I got to see your little brother/sister for the first time last week. He/she looks very healthy and is an active little fetus. The technician had trouble keeping up with all the baby's movements. It reminded us of you when you were in my belly. The baby did a few tricks for us, too, like signaling for touchdown, waving and kicking its legs.