Georgia & Palmer

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Windshield vs. Bug

I’ve noticed since the both of you were born that there are times when we hit our stride and seem to have this parenting thing all figured out (windshield). Then there are other times when we feel like we can’t do anything right (bug). Now seems to be a bug time for me.

Georgia, I am really enjoying this phase of your development. You are so much fun to talk to. I can easily take you shopping and to run errands. We play games together and do puzzles. We sit and read books and watch movies. You throw the occasional fit, but you’re totally fun to be around most of the time.

The trouble is that a lot of the things you like to do aren’t really age appropriate for your brother. Candyland and other games have little pieces. Palmer likes to chew on your puzzles and eat crayons and Play-Doh. He’s teething so he’s often miserable and not a good candidate for shopping trips.

I feel like you both need more from me, but I can’t figure out how to give each of you what you need. I need to read more books to you both, but brother has no patience for them. He needs to learn his body parts and animal sounds. We need to go more places, but it’s exhausting and intimidating to keep up with you both in public settings.

So it seems that no matter what I do I’m not able to do the things that you both need. And I feel like you’re behind because of my failure. I know that in the grand scheme of things this is really no big deal. It’s a symptom of your ages, too. Soon enough you’ll both have more similar abilities, so some things will be easier (while others will be harder, I’m sure). But I feel so incapable right now. And looking forward to a time when I get to be the windshield again.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Catchin' Up

Palmer dude, you've had a tough few weeks. Molars popping through, fevers, icky stuff coming out of both ends. What can I's been fun.

You are such a sweet, pathetic sick person. You spent one night and several days sleeping and napping on our chests. I thought for sure you had an ear infection. Two different trips to the pedi reveal that you have one of those "nondescript" viruses that can't be cured with antibiotics and has to be allowed to "run it's course." I hate those. They linger. Give me a good ear infection or case of strep throat. Twenty-four hours of Amoxil and you're bouncing off walls again.

You appear to be feeling better now, although your bottom molars continue to cause you pain.

Irritated that I interrupted your playtime for a photo.

Close examination of this photo reveals glimpses of all seven of your teeth.

You're quite strict about your dental hygene, although you're not particular about whose toothbrush you use. As a result we all got new toothbrushes last week. YAY!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Start 'Em Early

I expect this much enthusiasm for vacuuming for as long as you make messes in my house.

First Gymnastics Class

I had a hard time getting a picture of you in your leotard (you call it a Lenatard - you have a friend named Lena). You were so excited you couldn't be still. I am now, officially, living vicariously through you.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

First Haircut: Before and After

Hello ladies!

Friday, March 06, 2009

Marking Territory?

Athletic Wear

Thursday, March 05, 2009


Playing With Your Pooder (Translation: Computer)

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

My Babies

Mesmerized By The Movie 'Cars'

Tuesday, March 03, 2009



Monday, March 02, 2009

Brother Throws Fits, Too

Baby Asa Bear

Your buddy Zachary gave you this Care Bear for your first birthday. Lately she has become your favorite playmate. Most of the time Baby Asa (pronounced ah sah) Bear serves as a makeshift baby in your belly. You walk around the house with her under your shirt telling us how you are a mommy.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Picking Your Nose While Watching Claudia Vacuum

Strong Like Bull