Sunday, November 30, 2008
Of being old.
How do I know I'm old? Because I talk about the weather and gas prices. A lot.
Old people talk about the weather and gas prices. When we were in KC earlier this month, the words "I remember when gas was 84 cents a gallon" actually came out of my mouth.
How do I know I'm old? Because I talk about the weather and gas prices. A lot.
Old people talk about the weather and gas prices. When we were in KC earlier this month, the words "I remember when gas was 84 cents a gallon" actually came out of my mouth.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
1y Stats

Height - 31" - 75%
Weight - 22# 12.8 oz. - 25%
What you're up to these days.... You're taller now, so climbing has become much easier for you. You used to need a boost to get up in your club chair. Now you practically jump into it. And you use it to elevate yourself to higher platforms.
You've taken a few steps here and there but don't seem terribly interested in walking. You'll get there, though.
We finally had to cut your hair. It didn't curl in the back like we thought it would, so you looked like a greasy redneck. The top didn't grow as quickly as the back, so you had a trashy mullet. Now you look like a respectable little boy.
You are still ultra sweet, but you've got quite a temper. You scream and squirm until you get what you want. I think a lot of this is due to your lack of language. You seem to get frustrated that you can't communicate your wants and needs. However, we are aware of your dislike for your car seat, so you can stop crying and screaming and arching your back in attempts to get out of being strapped in.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Conversations With Georgia
Daddy: Georgia, is Dominic your boyfriend.
Georgia: Noooooo, Palmer is my boyfriend.
Georgia: Noooooo, Palmer is my boyfriend.
Lesson Learned
Every night you pick at your dinner and then spend the rest of the evening eating snacks. I get so frustrated by this routine, so I decided to teach you a lesson. Monday night when you picked at your dinner I told you that you couldn't have any snacks before bed. We went through our usual evening routine of bath and books and then you fell asleep right away (which never happens). I was so proud of myself and I thought we had reached a breakthrough...until 3 a.m.
You awoke at 3 a.m. ravenous and remained so until 5 a.m. Your two hour binge taught me after dinner snacks aren't such a bad thing.
You awoke at 3 a.m. ravenous and remained so until 5 a.m. Your two hour binge taught me after dinner snacks aren't such a bad thing.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
4.5 Steps
You teased us today by taking four incredible first steps and then refusing to try to walk for the rest of the night.
Here's the play-by-play for the record: We were playing next door at your buddy Dominic's house when Georgia said she had to go pee pee in the potty. As I was helping her to the potty, Dominic's daddy yelled "your son is about to walk." So I ran back to the livingroom where he was walking with you, and I kneeled down just as Dominic's daddy let go of you. You took four-and-a-half uncertain, grin laced, arms outstretched steps. It was so awesome!
Dominic's mommy aimed her camera at you just as the batteries died.
Here's the play-by-play for the record: We were playing next door at your buddy Dominic's house when Georgia said she had to go pee pee in the potty. As I was helping her to the potty, Dominic's daddy yelled "your son is about to walk." So I ran back to the livingroom where he was walking with you, and I kneeled down just as Dominic's daddy let go of you. You took four-and-a-half uncertain, grin laced, arms outstretched steps. It was so awesome!
Dominic's mommy aimed her camera at you just as the batteries died.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Conversations With Georgia & Alex

While we were in KC for two weeks you went to preschool with your cousin Alex two mornings a week. You really enjoyed his class and even made some new friends. Ironically, you dressed alike for school one day, so I had to snap a quick photo.
One morning last week I picked you two up from school and an older woman who was there picking up her grandson mentioned that her name was also Georgia. We had a short conversation about how awesome your name is, how you don't hear the name Georgia much these days, etc. We parted and got strapped into the car. As we were pulling out of our parking spot to leave Alex noticed that the other Georgia was parked right next to us. Here's the conversation that followed...
Alex: There's the old Georgia.
Me: That's right, there's the older Georgia.
A: When is she going to die already?
M: Woh. Alex, that's not a very nice thing to say.
A: Yeah, but everybody dies.
M: Yeah, but that doesn't mean we have to talk about it.
A: She's gonna die, and papa's going to die, and nonny's going to die.
M: Alex, quit with the death talk.
A: Why?
M: Because I don't want to talk about people dying. What letter did you learn about today at preschool?
A: Um, I don't know.
Georgia: I not know.
M: Was it the letter 'P?'
G: Noooooo.
A: Yes it was.
M: I think it was the letter 'P.' You had a picture of the letter P in your cubby today. Did you learn about the letter P?
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
G: No.
A: Yes.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Conversations With Georgia
G: My hair touch my shoulders.
M: Your hair touches your shoulders, eh?
G: Yeah.
M: No it doesn't silly. Do you want to grow your hair out so it touches your shoulders?
G: Yeah.
M: Okay.
Becoming such a girl. You even like to put your head back so you can feel your hair touch your shoulders when you don't have a shirt on. And you change your clothes about 90 times daily.
M: Your hair touches your shoulders, eh?
G: Yeah.
M: No it doesn't silly. Do you want to grow your hair out so it touches your shoulders?
G: Yeah.
M: Okay.
Becoming such a girl. You even like to put your head back so you can feel your hair touch your shoulders when you don't have a shirt on. And you change your clothes about 90 times daily.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008

I didn't expect to cry today, but I did. Several times. I did really well this morning until I bought balloons at the store. I've never bought birthday balloons for a little boy. And then I found a package addressed to you from Scott Sifferd's (your namesake) parents. I could barely read their heartfelt letter through my tears. Then I teared up as you dug into your first birthday cake. AHHH! I'm turning into one of those weepy moms who cries at every little milestone.
Yeah, it’s been a year. An entire year since I stopped taking anti-nausea medication, since I only had one child, since I didn’t know you were a son. You are still the sweet, cuddly, adorable baby boy we welcomed to our family a year ago. But you’re becoming such a little boy. You have four teeth, you’re a speedy crawler, independent stander and soon-to-be walker. You absolutely despise being restrained, whether in the car, in the stroller, in the shopping cart or any place else that requires you to be strapped down. You fight us when we change your diapers and clothes. You are very stubborn, which you probably get from me so I how can I criticize?
I honestly think you matured during your nap today. When I put you down you were my baby boy, and when you woke up you looked like a kid. A little kid in an oversized "Birthday Boy" t-shirt and adorable little khaki pants.
The most impressive thing you do, at least to me, is climb up and down stairs by yourself. I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised by your skill because YOU CLIMB ON EVERYTHING! You climb on top of things so that you can reach other things to climb onto. It’s like the world is just one big ladder.
You don’t say many words, but you’ve become quite verbal. You sure let us know when you want something. You’re also learning some sign language. You can sign “all done” and Georgia is trying to teach you how to sign “more.” You understand a lot more than you say. You’ll lean over and attempt to smooch us when we ask for kisses. Today when you saw your daddy come in the front door you waved and said “da.”
You’re a very independent eater. You don’t like us to help feed you, so you’ve never been much of a baby food eater. You eat only table food and are working on using utensils.
I think you’re going through a growth spurt because you’re eating nonstop and you’ve outgrown several pairs of pants. You’re also waking up overnight again, which may be growth- or teething-related.
I was looking back at some photos of your sister’s first birthday party. She looked so different then. It makes me wonder how different you’ll look this time next year.