Georgia & Palmer

Friday, December 30, 2005

Hand Jive?

You appear to have discovered your hands recently, as we've been feeling a lot more movements in the lower part of my abdomen. I like to imagine that you are opening and closing your fists instead of punching me, but who knows what you're doing in there. I'm becoming so accostomed to your constant movements that I sometimes don't even notice them until someone else comments that they can see you moving. I think it will take a little time to get used to not feeling that once you arrive.

We had our 34 week check-up yesterday and the doctor, once again, used the term "perfect" to describe your progress. We are so thankful that you seem to be developing normally. We are exploding with anticipation to meet you, but we're trying to be patient. We know that the best thing for you to do is to stay where you are and keep growing. That being said, Tyler says you are welcome to come any time after we shoot tomorrow's wedding.

Strangely, I've been seeing a lot of red headed babies lately. Maybe I just notice them more now, but it seems that there are a lot more of them out there. Is this a sign? We figure you'll either be born with red or blonde hair since I was a red headed baby and Tyler was blonde. Tyler says if you arrive with another color hair that I've got some explaining to do.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Hormones...Just Another Four Letter Word

Wow! Those baby hormones sure are strong. What else could cause a girl to wake up Christmas morning sobbing (and no, I don't know what I was crying about)? These mood swings will go away soon, right?

I learned a very important lesson today. While a non-pregnant Olivia can stand a few hours of discomfort and squish herself into a pair of jeans that may be a wee bit too small, pregnant Olivia cannot. Wearing pants that don't fit is downright painful. In addition to them being uncomfortable to me, they were equally so for Georgia. She spent two hours pushing and kicking her way around my midsection searching for a comfortable place to be. Had I not worn a jacket to church the priest may have been tempted to do an exorcism on the spot. What surprised me is that it took her a good ten minutes to get comfortable after I changed into my sweatpants. I felt like a bad mom for subjecting her to such uncomfortable couture.

fashion < comfort

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Days go by and I try to think of creative and witty things to say about you, but all I can think about right now is when you're going to arrive. We have another 6 weeks before your due date, but it might as well be 6 years. It seems so far away. November went by so quickly, and I thought December would, too, because of the holidays. Not so much. I feel like a kid checking off the days until summer break.

Luckily you're becoming quite entertaining to me. As I waited an unnecessarily long time at the post office today, I busied myself with a little game of "name that body part." Most of the time I think your movements are shoulders, knees and feet, but sometimes I get lucky and can feel a hand. One time you even tickled me. I think that was the sweetest movement I've felt thus far.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Your First Modeling Gig

Saturday, December 17, 2005


After 8 hours of practice contractions last Sunday, I spent most of the week preparing for your arrival. Your nursery is ready for you, all your clothes have been washed, the extra car seat base for Tyler's truck has been ordered and your stocking is full. Are you EVER going to get here?

At 33 weeks you are 4 1/2 pounds and about 18-19 inches long. I, on the other hand, am 22 pounds heavier with hands and feet that are unrecognizably swollen and an unquenchable appetite for sleep. I love sweatpants. They're the only pants I have that fit. And they go nicely with the only shoes I have that are fuzzy slippers.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Time Flies

This is a picture of our nephew (your cousin) Alex. He is now 10 months old, about the age you will be this time next year. It's hard to believe now that you will ever be this big! He crawls and pulls himself up to stand and feeds himself (although very messily). These are all things you will be doing this time next year. I think we're going to find new meaning to the saying that "time flies" once you arrive.

Your dad and I are really starting to think about things we'll be able to do with you after you arrive. Our friends Maury and Elizabeth are getting married next spring, and I wonder if we'll take you to the wedding. If so, what cute little outfit are you going to wear? Will you tolerate little bows in your hair or will you rip them out? Please let me put bows in your hair!!

Speaking of your dad, I'd like to take this opportunity to brag about how wonderful he has been. The extra weight and large belly has made doing the things I used to do more difficult. He tries to do everything he can from me, even things as unglamorous as waking up in the middle of the night to help me roll over in bed. He's also become quite proficient at fetching food for me, as I eat constantly now. I can't imagine going through this without his help! Keep this in mind on the day you are born. Maybe you can give your dad a little smile to say "thanks" for everything. Just a suggestion...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

You're Perfect!

Today was our 8 month check-up with the OB and I'm proud to report that the doctor used the term "perfect" several times in describing your development and my wellness. I don't know why we bother going to these appointments...I could have told her over the phone that you are perfect.

As an 8-month-old fetus you are now head down and about 4 pounds and 18 inches long. I guess your little feet are what are pushing my lungs around. You prefer to reside on the right side of my belly, so I look a little lopsided. I'm very confused about this. You don't have much room in there, so I assume you would take advantage of what little room you have and sprawl out. Apparently not. Your kicks are also getting much stronger and visibly noticeable. It is increasingly difficult to have a serious conversation with people when my shirt is constantly moving.

Tyler and I are becoming more anxious to meet you. Part of us wants you to come now, but we know that it is best for you to stay where you are for another few weeks. Luckily we have Christmas to keep us busy for the next few weeks.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Your First Family Photo

31 Weeks

Your Name Is A Hit

We attended our first childbirth preparation class Thursday night. As an icebreaker, the instructor paired us with another couple who was then charged with introducing us to the rest of the class. When they told the rest of the class that our little girl was due on Feb. 3 and that her name is Georgia EVERYONE oohed and aahed. The class didn't ooh and aah over any other couple's baby name. You're not even born yet and you're already making quite an impression.

Strict Training Regimen

You are now 2 months from your due date and, depending on which book I'm reading, you are about 3 1/2 pounds and somewhere between 16 and 18 inches long. I guess it's time for you to start training me for your outside of womb schedule. I now sleep in spurts rather than several hours in a row, and I often wake up hungry. Your favorite times of day seem to be around 4-6 p.m., 8-10 p.m. and 2 a.m. based on your activity. Luckily I have two furry sidekicks to keep me company during your middle of the night active times.

You are now growing at such a quick pace that folks I see on a weekly basis are starting to notice a difference in my waistline. We had dinner with some friends last night and after sitting for two hours I got up and had a bigger belly than when I sat down. I'm sure it wasn't because of the pound of barbecue brisket I ate.

You're also becoming more opinionated. If I sit in a position that you find displeasing you will kick me (rather uncomfortably and sometimes painfully) until I move. I guess it's time for me to get used to you being in charge.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Start Your Engines

Here's the cake from the wedding shower a couple of weeks ago. Isn't it perfect!?